Chapter 36

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Last chapter was really long, I am sorry. I had to add one major part in the book, of course it was a Intimate scene. But as the book goes on, there will be more intimate scenes with Antonio and Thalia.
Was last chapter good? How's the book so far??
The sunlight poked through the curtains, sparkling onto my face. Antonio's arm was wrapped around my waist, his hand sat placed between my thighs. During the night, Antonio had to wake up several times to answer calls about work. I didn't want to wake him up because I knew he was tired. So instead, I slowly took his hand out from in between my legs and placed it on his chest. Right as I turned to sit up, a sharp agonizing sensation exploded from my inner core to every corner of my body.

I yelled out in pain before covering my mouth and sinking my face into my pillow. Antonio Immediately shot up and looked down at me, " what the hell happened!" I shook my head and but my lip. Realizing what was going on, Antonio closed his eyes and sighed. " I thought something happened to you," Antonio said rubbing his face. " I can't get up," I said sternly. Antonio looked at me and grinned, " thinking about getting up fucking hurts," I added. Antonio checked the time, it was almost 11 pm. " We slept in," Antonio said as he got out of bed and walked over to my side. " Let me help you up," Antonio said. I shook my head into the pillow, " don't touch me, just leave me here." Antonio chuckled, he bent down and slipped his arms around my waist and slowly picked me up. " JESUS FUCKING CHRST!" I yelled out. As my feet touched the ground, my legs began to shake. Antonio kept a firm grasp around my waist. " Put me back on the god damn bed," I said sternly into Antonio's shoulder. Antonio chuckled, " you need to walk." " Walk my ass," I said sternly. Antonio chuckled, " just a few steps." I shook my head, " put me back on the bed." Ignoring my demand, Antonio took five steps backwards. I dug my nails into Antonio's back and clenched my jaw, " stop! stop! stop!" Antonio paused and chuckled, " you need to move your legs." I scoffed, " fuck you." Antonio grinned, " I did that and look where it got you." I wrapped my arms around Antonio's neck, " ready?" Antonio asked. " Go slow," I said softly. Antonio listened to my command, he began to slowly walk backwards towards the bathroom. I clenched my jaw as the aching sensation flooded my body. I groaned as we kept walking, my legs were tense and shaking. " Almost done," Antonio said. Within a few more steps, my legs were sore but I was able to walk slowly on my own.

I grabbed my towel from underneath the sink and turned to Antonio who was leaning against the doorway. " Got any plans for today?" I asked. Antonio sighed, " I've got work with my father." I looked at him, " I thought you didn't work for your father." " I stop when he gives me the keys to his office," Antonio explained. " How close is that?" I asked. " It's up to my father to decide if I'm ready or not," Antonio explained. " And what I you're never ready?" I teased. Antonio smiled, " then I'll spend every second of my time with you." I raised my eyebrows, " sounds good to me." Antonio stared at me, I pulled my hair out of its hair tie before looking at Antonio. " What?" I asked. " Just thinking about what Miss Angela said at her store," Antonio said. I frowned, " what did she say?" Antonio shrugged and walked up to me, " nothing important." I scoffed, " obviously it's important if you keep looking at me like that." " Are you going to stay up here when I'm gone at work?" Antonio asked. " I don't know," I sighed. " If you go out, make sure you tell one of the guards in the lobby," Antonio said. I smiled, " okay." Antonio quickly kissed me before leaving the bathroom. I closed the door before turning on the shower and getting in.
                                - - -
It was well past 3 pm. I had gone out shopping, but only bought new perfume, and a pair of creme colored high waisted jeans. Antonio only had thirty minutes left of his ever so long work meeting. He had called me and told me that he was taking me somewhere after his work was over. He told me to dress light but comfortable. A changed into a light grey knitted sweater, black high waisted jeans with holes in them, and my every day black heeled boots.

About thirty minutes later, a knock at the door grabbed my attention. A guard stood in the hall, I smiled at him. " Ms. Galonos, your ride is waiting for you outside of the hotel," the guard informed me. I quickly grabbed my stuff before closing the hotel room door and following the guard down to the lobby. I expected to see Antonio there, but all I saw were guards waiting for me. " Uh, where's Antonio?" I asked looking around. " He's waiting for you at the airport," the guard informed. I paused and looked at the guard, " the airport?" The guard nodded, " are you ready to go?" I swallowed, " uh, yeah." If we were going to take a plane and fly somewhere, I needed to know so that I could pack up the hotel room.

The ride to the airport was silent but fast. Everything was beautiful as usual. The trees were so green, the flowers bloomed everywhere. The sun added some sparkle to the scenery. My door opened, I stepped out and breathed in the cool air. Suddenly a loud motor sound made me jump. I looked behind me and saw a dark, nice look, very expensive car pull up. I grinned, only to find Antonio behind the steering wheel. The car was the same car Antonio drove me in the first night we met. Was it sleek, clean, and absolutely Antonio's type of car.

I bit my lip, and smiled

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I bit my lip, and smiled. I shook my head as Antonio walked up to me, the guards next to me stepped back. " What are we doing?" I asked eyeing the car. " I wanna show you something," Antonio said. I scoffed, " why are we at an airport?" Antonio grinned, " you've ridden in my car before right?" " Yeah, why?" I asked. Antonio sighed, " I didn't show you something that night I drove you back to your hotel." I frowned, " what do you need to show me?" Antonio just chuckled, " good thing you're not wearing a dress." The nerves in my stomach doubled, " what's going on?" I asked. Antonio just held out his hand, I took it. " You ready?" He asked. I looked at the car before looking back at Antonio, " yeah?" Antonio grinned, we walked over to his car. He helped me in it before going around and getting into his side.

Putting in the Keyes, Antonio revved the engine. Suddenly, my soul left my body. I knew exactly what was about to happen. " Are you serious?" I asked looking at Antonio. " You ready?" was all Antonio said. I buckled myself in before looking ahead, " yeah I'm ready." Antonio grinned and looked ahead at the road, I immediately braced myself for what was about to happen.

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