Chapter 65: Antonio's POV

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The taste of blood tingles against my dry tongue. Buzzing sounds bounced off the wall around me. My eyes fluttered open, I groaned as a sharp aching pain surged throughout my body. I looked around, I was in some room, some cell. I was sitting in a chair, my ankles were tied to the legs of the chair and my hands were tied back behind the chair. Broken lights flickered, making the cellar took more on the creepy side. I moved my wrists, trying to see how tight the rope was. I don't remember the last eight hours, I don't even know if it was morning or night. The last thing I remembered was talking to Thalia and seeing the pain and hatred in her eyes towards me. I clenched my jaw, I was going to get out of here and I was going to get her back. A loud screeching sound   Increased the headache that I already had. The sound of heels approaching me bounced off the walls of the cellar. " Whoever thought the one and only Antonio Brambilla would be kidnapped by a lower ranked gang?" Evelina asked walking up to me. She tilted her head and smiled, I glared at her. " You comfortable?" Evelina asked me. " This was the cleanest cellar we had, so be greatfull." My eyes were glued on Evelina's cold, calm eyes. " What, you're out of words now?" She asked walking up to me. " A few weeks ago, I remember you on top of me, saying," " What do you want," I said cutting Evelina off mid sentence. Evelina sighed, " money, you, but mostly your money." She bent down so that we were eye level, Evelina's perfume stung my nose. " Sleeping with you was fun and all, but I want your money," Evelina said calmly. " My father is losing his mind and his business is going to shit." " What does that have to d with me?" I asked. Evelina smiled, " you're smart, you should know." She stood back up and folded her arms, " my father knows you're here and will kill you if you don't give us the information we need." I scoffed, " go ahead Evelina, kill me." Evelina stared at me, " I'm done playing games Tony. And I'm sure pretty little Thalia will be missing you too." Evelina's eyes suddenly lit up, " how about this, you give us your account information and Thalia stays safe. But, if you don't do as we ask, I'm sure in about a week you and your family, as well as Thalia's, will be attended a very sad funeral."

Every muscle in my body tensed up, anger boiled within me. " I haven't fully met Thalia yet, but I'm sure she's a wonderful person," Evelina said walking around me. She paused right behind me, " I know where she's staying and I can have a snipper aiming at her in seconds as she sleeps." The rope was now digging into my wrists, I could feel my skin beginning to break and bleed. " After everything you did, you hurt her and lied to her," Evelina said. She stepped forward and leaned down to my ear, " does she know what you did to me two weeks ago?" The images suddenly filled my head, I was drunk and I hated myself more than every.

" Your wands dragging down my chest, your mouth lingered down my neck," Evelina taunted me. " If you or your father even gets close to touching Thalia, I swear to god I'll kill everyone in your gang and save you for last," I spat out sternly. Evelina chuckled and walked back in front of me, " how? You're tied up to a chair, underground, where no one will hear you," Evelina said. I glared up at her, " I'm going to fucking kill you." Evelina smiled, " not unless I kill you and Thalia first." I balled my hands up into tight fists, my rage dwelling within me. " So what's it going to be?" Evelina asked folding her arms. " Give me your account and card number, or Thalia gets to have a nice little visit with god."

There was no way in hell I was going to hand over my account number over to Evelina. But at the same time, I wasn't going to let her get to Thalia. " Go to hell," I said sternly. Evelina smiled and bit her lip, " going once, going twice?" " You fucking touch her or hurt you Evelina," I said as my anger began to fuel me." I will hurt you in the worse way possible." Evelina chuckled, " oh, I'm not going to touch her, a bullet will, and it will go right through her forehead." I tried pulling my wrists out from the rope, but it was no use. " You want Thalia alive or not Tony?" Evelina asked me. " Just give me your account and card number, and little miss perfect is all yours." I looked down at the ground, " I'm not giving you or your father shit." Darkness and anger filled Evelina blue eyes, " when was the last time you spoke to Thalia?" I didn't respond, I kept my eyes on the ground. " Pray that whatever you said was worth it, because that will be the last thing you'll every say to her." Evelina smiled, " I mean, unless you're going to be attending her funeral, then you can say whatever the hell you want." Evelina chuckled, " but little miss Thalia won't be able to respond, because she'll be dead."

I lunged forward in the chair, but the ropes kept me in place. Evelina shook her head, " I'm going to miss Thalia, even though I didn't get a proper introduction to her." Veins in my arms bulged, Evelina smiled. " Stay away from her," I said sternly. Evelina walked up to me and bent down, her blue eyes looked into mine. " I'm the one giving out orders, not you. You're the one who's tied to a chair, not me. And you're the one who's going to be loosing because I'm going to kill Thalia Galonos all because of you." Evelina leaned in closer, " so don't get mad at me just because you're stubborn and pain in the ass. Don't get me wrong, sleeping with you was fun and all, but I have to get back to my job." Leaning in closer, Evelina softly kissed me. With my hands tied behind my back, and not being able to move, I allowed Evelina to continue kissing me. She stepped back and stood up, " I'll miss you." I glared up at her, she winked at me before turning and walking out of the cellar.

I stared down at the floor, there was no way out. Evelina was going after Thalia and she was going to kill her. I clenched my jaw to the point where I felt my teeth cracking. I was full of anger, steam, and self hatred. If I wasn't so stupid about working with Evelina, if I didn't trust myself around her, Thalia's life wouldn't be in danger.

Letting out everything I had kept within me, I yelled out as loud as I possibly could. Darkness crept around me, silence soon overtook the room. I caught my breath, my eyelids slowly closed.

I needed to get to her, and I needed to get to her now.

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