Chapter 18

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FWI: Guys in tuxedo's, let alone all black tuxedo's, is one of my biggest turn ones

An hour went by, Myla made me try on every dress at least two more times. I swore, one of the dresses zippers fell off after zipping the dress up and taking it off over and over again. Finally, after a very "hard" decision made by Myla, we finally bought the blue silk dress. The least I can say, I felt very exposed and seen in that dress. I told Myla my opinions about the dress, but Miss Perfect didn't give a shit.

" Now, we need to get your nails done," Myla informed. I groaned, it was almost 5pm. My feet hurt, my arms hurt, and my toes hurt. I could feel a forming headache thumping behind my eyes. " I haven't eaten all day, how about we pause on this whole shopping trip and get something to eat?" Myla shook her head, " food can wait, fixing you can't." I stared at Myla, I wanted nothing but to slap her right in her perfect slender face.

We walked down many streets, Myla refused to take a car because she said I needed the exercise. The fuck? We walked into a spa, Myla ordered me to sit down in a chair besides the bathroom. I looked around, half the spa was filed with skinny rich Milan girls with long brown, black, and dirty blonde hair. An old women with wavy brown hair sat down in front of me. " What color do you want?" The women asked. " White acrylic," Myla answered for me. I looked at her, " so do I have any say in what your buying for me?" Myla smiled at me and tilted her head, " not today." I eyed her, oh how I wanted to punch her right in her perfect nose. " How long do you want your nails?" The women asked. Myla pulled out her phone and showed the women a picture of white long coffin acrylic nails. " I'm going to scratch my eyes out with those," I said. " Give her those," Myla said Instructed. The women nodded and started my long nail process, I looked at Myla who turned and went back up to the front desk. I looked back at the women doing my nails, I'd never imagine myself in this position.
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An hour went by, I nearly fell asleep as the lady did my nails. Dinner was getting close, the huge announcement my parents were planning was creeping closer and closer by the second. Myla had paid for my nails, my nail tech had put diamonds and small sliver pieces of gold on my nails. " All done," my nail tech said. I sighed and looked down at my nails, " we've got more to do, let's go," Myla hurried me. I turned my head and looked at her, " what else do we have to do?" Myla smiled, " dinner is in two hours, we still need to get your hair done, your makeup done, and you all dressed." I stood up, my hands felt like they were being weighed down. " Come on, walk fast," Myla rushed me. I hadn't eaten all day, I was hungry, and Myla was beginning to piss me off.

We walked back into my hotel room, the first thing I did was collapse onto my kind seize bed. " Uh, what are you doing?" Myla asked. I looked at her and said annoyed, " I am hungry and tired." " Beauty is pain," Myla said. She patted my legs, " come one." I groaned as my stomach grumbled, all I wanted to do was eat and Barbie was starving me.

" Okay, we want a formal, light blue and gold look," Myla informed the other tall Milan women around me. Staring at myself in the mirror, I could bet you a full course meal that Grace would die to be in my position. Full course meal, that's all I wanted. " Thalia, don't move," Myla informed me. " I'll try my hardest," I said sarcastically. Myla smiled, ignoring my hangry tone. " How do we feel about fake eyelashes?" A Milan women said behind me. " No," I said. " Yes, she needs them," Myla said cutting me off. I scoffed and looked at her, " do you want to be in my position or mot?" Myla put both hands on either side of my face and turned it so I was looking back at the mirror, " don't move." I glared at her, " can we please hurry this up?" " Beauty takes time," Myla said. " And we're going to be here for a while." I clenched my jaw and refrained my self from dragging Myla's ass onto the ground. " Everyone at the dinner will be astonished," Myla said as women began to attack my face with brushes and applied makeup onto my face. I just sat back, hating every second of the torture Myla was putting me through.
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I stared at myself in the mirror, I couldn't even see myself underneath all the makeup, fake eyelashes, body tightening dress, and five inch while heeled stilettos. I slowly inhaled as I dug my fingernails into the palms of my hands. I felt like throwing up, I felt dizzy and my vision kept dilating. " You look so good!" Myla said approaching me. She squeezed my arms from behind and rested her chin on my shoulder. " How long until we're leaving?" I asked trying to keep myself from not passing out. " Soon," Myla said smiling. I looked at her before averting my focus to myself, I looked... fake.

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