Chapter 21

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I grasped my hand around my bleeding cut and walked back to my table. I had been gone for about an hour, questions were definitely going to be asked. My mom saw me then my arm, her eyes widened when she saw the blood on my hand. " What happened?" My mom asked as she walked up to me. " Apparently Antonio was taken by some other girl," I sighed. My mom frowned, " what are you talking about?" " The guy I'm marrying mom," I said annoyed. " Apparently he had secretly arranged an elope with some girl named Sophia, and when she saw me, she took out her anger on me." My mom sighed, " what did she say?" I smiled, " she called me a bitch and a whore." My mom chuckled, " some girl she is." I nodded, " well we were all wondering where you went," My mom said. " I told Antonio that I was going to the bathroom," I informed. I eyed him, he was talking to some of his guards. My mom rubbed my arm, " I'm sorry about not telling you earlier." I looked at her, " you promised me that this would happen only if I was ready." My mom nodded, " and I'm sorry, your dad made the final decision." I scoffed, " of course he did." My mom smiled at me, " Antonio is a very handsome young man." I bit my bottom lip to stop me from smiling, damn right he is. " We've made some plans for the two of you," My mom said. I clenched my jaw, " what?" My mom sighed, " In about four weeks, you and Antonio are going to be moving in with each other, into his place." My heart dropped, I just stared at me mom. " Now before you get mad at me," my mom said. " If you don't feel ready to live with him, you don't have to move in with him when the four weeks come." My nerves settled, " at this point, everything is up to you," my mom said. At this point! At this point my ass! I was tired, it was late, my body ached, and the dress was irritating me. " Fine," I gave up.

I had no choice anymore, I was getting married sometime soon and my future life was now planned out. I was getting married to some rich mafia guy, who apparently already had marriage plans with some psychotic girl. Now, I'm a fucking bitch and a whore who took some girls man.
                             - - -
I washed my arm off in my bathroom sink, it was late and my eyes struggled to stay ajar. I had changed into a pair of grey sweats and a off the shoulder black long sleeve shirt. My makeup was off, and my hair was put up into a messy bun. At this point, I didn't have any emotions or feelings. I was nothing but empty and numb. My skin tingled from cleaning off my cut, and my feet hurt from my heels. I looked at myself in the mirror, I wanted to scream at everyone in my family, especially my dad. He was such a selfish pig and did everything and anything just for himself. The love he had towards his family was microscopic.

A soft knock at my bathroom door ended my thoughts. " Thal?" Emiliano called out softly. I clenched my jaw and inhaled deeply, I stared down at my cut and continued to clean it up. The bathroom door opened slowly, Emiliano walked in. " Don't you know the rules about coming into other's rooms?" I asked calmly. Emiliano stared at me before putting his hands in his pockets. " I'm not talking to you if that's what you came in here to do," I said as I turned off the sink water. Emiliano sighed, " don't talk to me, fine I get why you're mad at me." I scoffed, " being mad at you is an understatement." Emiliano eyed my arm and frowned, " what happened?" I sighed before turning to him. " Give me one good reason why I shouldn't grab one of dad's guns and shot it right through your head." Emiliano's eyes darkened, " Thalia you have no right to be mad at me." I raised my eyebrows, " you, mom, and dad ruined my life." Emiliano swallowed, I glared at him. " I didn't do anything," Emiliano said. " You should've seen this coming." " I'm eighteen!" I yelled, not caring about whoever was still awake in other hotel rooms. " I haven't even finished school, I was planning on going to college." Emiliano scoffed, " what life are you imagining living in Thalia?" I stared at him, " the life and world you want doesn't exist," Emiliano reminded me. I clenched my jaw so hard, I swore my teeth cracked. " Ge the hell out of my bathroom, and get the fuck out of my room," I said harshly but softly. Emiliano stared at me, " you knew this was coming." I glared at him, I didn't realize I had my hands clenched into a tight fist. Emiliano eyed my cut on my arm before turning and leaving my bathroom. I closed my eyes as the sound of my room door slamming shut shook my bathroom door.
                               - - -
I stared at my ceiling, it was around 7 am. The morning Milan breeze brushed into my room. The window was open, I could hear the city buzzing around. My arm still ached from the unexpected collision with Sophia. How was I supposed to know that she had already met my now future husband? I mean, the girl can't blame me, we're in the mafia, girls don't get to chose who the fuck they're getting married to. A week had gone by since I met Antonio Brambilla, my soon to be husband. Yes, I can say Antonio is absolutely stunning and I'm surprised I'm even getting married to the man. But he's a leader in his mafia family, I don't know anything about him. I don't know how angry he can get, I don't know what pisses him off. But I guess I'll just have to learn and understand everything as time goes by. I'm going to marry him, weather I like it or not.

I finally got up and out of bed around 10 am. I didn't have the normal amount of energy I usually had. I was tired, irritated, and distraught. I changed into a black turtle neck short sleeve crop top, black high waisted mom jeans with holes in them, and a dark green bomber jacket. I didn't want to stay in my hotel room the whole day, so I decided to take a stroll to the shops around and near the hotel. I slipped into some black black combat boots before grabbing my phone and bag.

I got a few stares as I walked down the hall and in the lobby. I guess more people found out about me and Mr. Brambilla's arrangement last night than I guessed. The Brambilla's were a very strict and proper family, not many people were able to get close to them when their family was out in public. I quickly pulled out my phone and tapped on Instagram. My heart skipped a beat when I saw myself next to my family and the Brambilla's. " New mystery girl attracts Antonio Brambilla," the heading read. " Whoever she is, she's got Mr. Brambilla reeled in and tight." I scoffed and shook my head. In the picture, my face wasn't visible, whoever the photographer was, they only got my side profile.

I slipped my phone into my back pocket and looked around. If the girl, who was me, in the photo on Instagram was high news to everyone and unknown, why was everyone looking at me? I looked down at my nails and forgotten I had gotten my nails done, the same as the one in the picture. My figure and hair style perfectly matched the one in the news.

Smooth one Thalia.

I didn't care, if people knew that I was with Antonio last night, then whatever. I was going to be marrying him soon and no body would be able to interfere with the already arranged and set plans.
                                - - -
The weather was cool, I walked down the sidewalk and passed many people. Even though it was still morning, Milan was wide awake and working at six. I saw a beauty store and decided to take a look. The store smelled of vanilla and lavender. A soothing aesthetic song played over the speakers. Girls with tons of makeup on and voluminous hair walked around the place. No one wore black, the only visible colors were pink, blue, white, red, and other pale girly colors.

Part of me felt really out of place coming into the store wearing all black, but the other half of me couldn't give two shits about my appearance. As I walked around the store, I felt uncomfortable being in a makeup store. I wasn't a fan of makeup, I kept my face mostly clear by using face washed and creams my mom had bought for me. I walked up to the eyeshadow aisle and looked around for nude colors or dark shades that fit my complexion. Girls looked at me and whispered to each other, I eyed them as their basically bra tops and ass showing skirts shawshayed past me. They chuckled and whispered about my outfit and facial appearance.

Damn, if you want to be self conscious about how you look, go to Milan. They have plenty of skinny ass bitches who make questions how you look.

I grabbed a nude pink eyeshadow that had a hint of white glittery in it. Now, I'm not a fan out glitter, but the eyeshadow matched my skin tone.

I paid for my one thing and walked back out into the cool weather. The sun was out, but not hot enough for me to take my jacket off. My stomach grumbled at the smell of a small cafe at the end of the sidewalk. I let my hungry body lead me to it.

I walked into the cafe, everything was so aesthetic and and cute. The smell of coffee and pastries filled the shop. I walked up to the counter and smiled, " hi, can I get a caramel frappe and one grilled chicken burrito?" The little Milan women smiled, " yes ma'am, I'll have your order out in a few minutes." I nodded at her before turning and sitting down at a small table. I looked around, even though Milan girls were bitchy and judgmental, I could get used to living here.

" One caramel frappe and a chicken burrito!" My order was called out. I stood up and walked back over to the counter. " That will be $8.34," the lady said with a warm smile. I gave her my card and waited for her to insert it into the chip reader. She looked back at me and handed me my card, " have a nice day." I thanked her before taking my food and returning back to my hotel room.

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