Chapter 29

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If I thought the outside was beautiful, the inside won by a ton. Everyone either wore gold, silver, or black. " What exactly is the occasion?" I asked. " Just two people spending time with each other," Antonio answered. I held back a smile and said teasingly, " you didn't take me out on a date right?" Antonio frowned, " god no." The smallest of smiles crept onto Antonio's face as we turned the corner. " Mr. Brambilla!" A man exclaimed. Antonio was startled and taken by surprised because he immediately slid his hand around my waist and pulled me closer. " Ah Mr. Brambilla," a middle aged man said walking an up to us. Antonio eased his grip around my waist, the man pulled Antonio into a hug. I folded my arms and smiled, I knew Antonio wasn't well with hugging. " We have a table for you and your lady," The man informed. Antonio stepped back to me, " follow me please," the man said. Antonio looked at me, I raised my eyes and Antonio smiled.

We followed the man past a few tables and to a secure area around the outside doors. " We have ordered very nice and expensive wine for this evening," the man said. He clapped his hands together, " is there anything else you'd like?" " No, thank you," Antonio said. The man smiled and nodded before scurrying off to a few more people who walked into the restaurant. " I'm beginning to think you're not as social as I thought you'd be," I said as Antonio helped me into my seat. " I don't do, people," Antonio said. I scoffed, " you don't do people." Antonio looked at me, " I'd say the same thing about you." I sighed, " I can do some people."

A few seconds later, a waiter walked up to us with two menus. " Mr. Brambilla and Ms. Galonos," the waiter said as he handed us our menus. " Should I come back when you two are done picking your orders or shall I wait?" The waiter asked. " I'll have the chicken alfredo," I said. The waiter nodded and looked at Antonio, " and for you sir." Antonio sighed, " I'll have the same." The waiter nodded and walked off back to kitchen with our orders. " Have you ever drunk wine?" Antonio asked. " I did the first night I came here," I answered. Antonio grabbed the wine from out of the ice bucket and filled our glasses. " I'm not much of a drinker," I informed. " I noticed that after seeing what you did to Mia's face," Antonio said sitting back in his chair and looking at me. I smiled, I still couldn't believe I got that drunk last night and almost rearranged Mia's face. " I almost didn't pull you off of Mia last night," Antonio said. I looked at him, " why not?" Antonio shook his head, " Mia's a stuck up brat who things she deserves everything. She needed to be out in her place and taught a lesson, a lesson you gave her." I chuckled, " I was drunk, so thank that side of me." Antonio stared at his wine glass, " I didn't even know Mia and her friends were staying with us." I frowned, " you didn't know they were coming over?" Antonio grinned, " I only know about work and business related topics." " So you had no clue your house was going to be filled with guests and bitchy girls?" Antonio smiled and looked at me, " what?" I asked. Antonio shook his head and stared at me as if I was some sort of mystery. " Girls like you would be beaten if you talked that way to anyone in the mafia," Antonio said. I tilted my head, " should I be scared then." Antonio grinned, " only to some people." I raised my eyebrows and grinned, " who?" Antonio stared at me, I swore his eyes darkened. " Me," he answered. I stared at him, " why should I be scared of you?" " Because I'm capable of doing things," Antonio answered calmly. The nerves in my body immediately began to explode, Antonio stared into my eyes as I stared back at him.

Our food eventually arrived at our table, what Antonio said earlier floated around in my head. What the hell was Antonio talking about? What did he mean by he was capable of doing things?
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Two hours went by, Antonio and I both finished eating and having amusing conversations. The car ride home was long and quiet, Antonio was busy texting and calling on his phone. I eyed Antonio's phone, but his screen was too dark to make out anything. I stared out the window as the city lights lit up my face. Antonio set his phone down and looked at me, " I didn't tell you before but you look good tonight." I looked at Antonio, " I'm pretty sure you already told me that." Antonio frowned, " you sure?" I held back a smile, " positive."

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