Chapter 3

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The lunch room was crowded with kids. Grace picked a table in the middle of the cafeteria, why? " I guess being in a mafia gang has some of it's perks," Grace said, taking out her ham sandwich from her lunch bag. I looked at her, " why? Because everyone's rich?" Grace smiled, " our school isn't like those gross public schools." I opened my tupperware lid and began eating my mom's homemade salad. I could feel Graces eyes wavering on my food. " Yes?" I ask holding back a smile. " I don't understand how you can eat that every day for lunch," Grace sighed. " It's not that bad," I said pushing around the chicken bits. Grace raised an eyebrow, " says the one who's playing around with her food." I set my fork down and looked at her. " You okay?" Grace asked concerningly. " Yeah, I'm fine," I said calmly. Grace stared at me, " you're a really bad liar." I looked at her and smile, " what's wrong?" Grace asked as she leaned forward.

I folded my arms and set them in front of me, on the table. " Do you ever wish you weren't born into a mafia family?" Grace sighed, " Uh no, I enjoy being rich." I stared at her, " so you're not scared of someone in your family dying, or your parents deciding on an arranged marriage for you?" Grace blinked, " I don't care, as long as my husband is hot and rich."

Sometimes I don't get Grace, she takes in whatever is thrown at her, now matter what is actually being thrown at her. Everyone is blinded by the fact that their lives are already planned out, like they don't have a choice on what happens in their future. I'm not going to sit back and let people decide things for me. Even though I'm in one of the most richest and dangerous mafia gangs, I'm old enough to make my own decision, not caring about what other people think.

" So," Grace said, setting her sandwich down after taking a bite. " What's your dream life like?" I wasn't about to barf my childhood dreams to Grace, she'd only laugh and call me crazy. Cause for most girls at the age of seven, they only knew how to draw, eat candy, and beg for things. Thinking about your future was something that you wouldn't expect from a seven year old.

" I want a healthy family, a good and stable job, and a good house," I said. Grace rolled her eye, " so basically frick a hot, rich husband, giant expensive house, and thousands of maids and cooks?" " I don't need those things to be happy," I reminded Grace. " Yeah, okay," Grace said. " Well, I want a husband whose rich and hot. I want a ginormous White house and five kids. Gardens are going to be everywhere, I'm going to have huge trees in my backyard along with a pool, a play set, lights that hang from tree to tree." Grace went on and on about how she was going to take advantage of her mafia money. I couldn't help but doze off about my future life. Would my husband me one of those guys who lounge around and waited for me to feed them? Will my husband be an workaholic and not care about me or his kids? Would my house be big enough for my family? Was I going to be happy?
- - -
Grace applied more lipgloss onto her lips, she stared into the bathroom mirror and perfected every curve on her mouth. I stared at one of the sinks, dazing off started to become something that happened a lot. Why? I don't know.

Grace smacked her lips together and turned to me, " want some?" I shook my head, " no thanks." Grace smiled, " Oh I forgot, you're naturally beautiful." I grinned, " It's jut face wash." " Yeah, uh, sure," Grace said, looking back at herself in the mirror.

I watched her, " why do you care about what you look like?" Without looking at me, Grace said, " because guys like pretty girls and I need to look good." I scoffed softly, " why care about what horny boys like?" Even though Grace didn't roll her eyes, I could tell she mentally did. " Unlike you, us girls have to actually try to look presentable." I stared at Grace as she applied more foundation, powder, and mascara. I couldn't help but glance at my reflection.

I didn't think I was perfect. I hated my eyebrows, they were too dark and bushy. My nose was too wide, and my bottoms lip was bigger than my top lip. My eyes were small and my face was weirdly shaped. The color of my hair was so dull, and I hated my body. Let's just say, the definition of hourglass fit perfectly for me, but not like "model" perfect. Plus, my forehead was big, it was almost as big as a soccer field.

Grace fluffed her hair and sighed, " ready?" I stared at my reflection, allowing the dark and negative thoughts to take control. " Thal," Grace said. I snapped out of it and looked at her, I hated the nickname Grace gave me. " You good?" Grace asked. I nodded, " okay, let's go," Grace said. She walked past me and towards the bathroom door. I quickly looked at myself up and down before turning and following Grace out into the cold hall.
- - -
School ended, my bag was full of homework and notes. My back ached as I walked down to my locker. The feeling of laying down on my soft bed soothed my aching muscles. What did school have against me wanting to be able to walk and have good posture?

Shoving my AP Physics textbook into my bag and grabbing my lunch, Alessandro and his friends walked up to me. " Some kids at this school can't pull of the school attire, but you can," Alessandro said. I closed my eyes and mentally screamed. I sighed and opened them, why now?

I slung my bag onto my back and closed my locker. I turned around and looked at Alessandro's friend before making eye contact with him. " Hey," Alessandro said. " Hi, I said forcing myself to smile. Alessandro's friends snickered behind him. I eyed them before looking back at him. " A group of us are going out tonight," Alessandro informed. " You uh, wanna tag along?" " Tag along?" I thought. " You are the last person I ever want to spend time with." " I have tons of work," I said, not entirely lying. " You sure, because we can wait for you," Alessandro said, not taking no as an answer. I slowly nodded, " yeah, I've got tons of work tonight. I probably won't finish until midnight."

The happiness in Alessandro's eyes dimmed out. Was this this first time Mr. Screw Over got rejected? I mentally smiled and and chuckled at my own little nickname for Alessandro. " Next time," Alessandro said. I quietly groaned, hoping Alessandro didn't hear it. " Can't wait," I said sarcastically. Alessandro was slow and dumb, so he couldn't hear the sarcasticness in my response. " See you later," Alessandro said in his alluring tone, which I didn't find attractive. I smiled, " bye." Alessandro looked me up and down before turning and walking away with his screw boy group.

My smile disappeared off my face as I watched Alessandro's designer clothes walk down the hall and disappear around the corner.

I walked out of the school and met Grace at the benches. " Took you long enough," Grace said fanning herself. " I got caught up with something," I said sitting down beside Grace. " With what?" Grace said, scrolling through her phone. I sighed and folded my arms " Alessandro and his group." Grace chocked on air and looked at me, " I'm sorry, who?" I leaned my head back, the sun baked my tired face. " What did you guys talk about?" Grace asked. " He invited me to hangout with to some of his friends tonight," I said closing my eyes.

Grace smiled and nudged me, " okay, and what did you say?" " I told him I was busy," I answered. I could see the smile and excitement drain from Grace's face, I grinned. " Thalia you are driving me crazy," Grace said. I opened my eyes and looked at her, " you're going to stay single and a virgin for the rest of your life," Grace informed me.

A black Bentle Bentayga Mulliner pulled up and parked in the 'no parking' zone. Grace stared at it, " your dad really doesn't care about his things getting destroyed." I sighed and stood up, " my dad only cares about himself and money." Grace looked at me, " I would too if I was as rich as your family." I smiled, " bye." Grace leaned back on the bench, " adios."


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