Chapter 56

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Everything was dark, I smelled the familiar scent of tabaco. My father smoked whenever he was working, uptight, or frustrated. Which was a lot. Bloody footprints dotted the hallway, my heart beat began to pick up as I walked along the wall. Horror filled my eyes as I was welcomed to more bloody footsteps. " Mom!" I yelled. I gasped when I saw more blood, who's blood? At this point, I was pressing my back up against the wall and on my tippy toes so that I wasn't stepping on the blood covering the ground. I looked ahead and saw a metal door, " dad!" I called out.

No answer.

I quickly jumped to the other side and walked up to the door, where the hell was my family? I reached out and grabbed the door handle, I turned it and immediately heard screaming and yelling. I flinched and stopped, what the hell? I slowly turned the door handle and pushed open the door. All the blood in my body drained down into my feet. My heart stopped as I stared at countless bloody bodies laying in piles. All I saw was red, not the good red like the color on my moms dress red, human body blood. I gagged and covered my mouth as horror filled my eyes, I physically and mentally couldn't breathe. " Oh m-my god," I stuttered out.

Out of nowhere, my father and all my brothers walked up to me. I tripped back a few steps as every inch of their bodies was covered in blood, not their own blood. " Dad?" I whimpered. My father looked at me as if he wasn't covering in blood, as if everything happening was completely normal. " Thalia," Emiliano said, he handed me a gun dripping in blood. My stomach crumbled up, I felt like blacking out as the blood dripped onto the floor, forming a small puddle. I looked back up at my dad with watery eyes, " what the hell did you do?" " What had to happen," My father responded. I shook my head as tears slipped down my cheek, " n-no, please tell me you didn't do it."

My father and brothers all turned around, I whimpered as a little girl stared at me. She was wearing a white dress, her hair was done in two cute ponytails. Pale yellow sandals filled out her feet, she looked happy and cute. I then realized that the little girl was me when I was a kid. " Shoot her," Emiliano said. My eyes widened and I looked at him. " What?" I croaked out. " You have the gun, shoot her," Adriano said. I slowly looked back at my younger self with blurry eyes, " shoot her," Nicolo said. I looked at my dad and knew that if I didn't, I'd be punished. I suddenly, ever so slowly, raised the gun. My lips trembled as I pulled back the trigger, my younger self just stared at me with pure, innocent eyes. I shook my head and mouthed, " I'm sorry." I pulled the trigger and was pushed back by a ear screeching sound. I watched as if everything had stopped and turned into a slo mo as the bullet traveled towards my younger self.

I sobbed and dropped the gun, the bullet smashed right into my younger self's chest, Blood expanded through her chest, a soft groan exited my younger self's mouth my legs quivered before giving gout. My knees banged onto the ground, my hands dropped to the ground as I was immediately stained with blood. I grasped my throat as air was executed out from me. I began to shake, begging for air. I watched as my younger self collapsed onto the ground, nothing but blood filled out her dress. " NOO!" I screamed out. My ears rang, my heart ached, I felt lifeless and dead. I looked down at myself, blood rose up my legs, stomach, and chest. I immediately stood up and took several steps back, the blood kept coming after me. " STOP! STOP! JUST FUCKING STOP!" I screamed. Two strong, bloody arm engulfed me back against a strong chest. Emiliano held me close to him as my other brothers and dad walked up to face me.

" Why?" I sobbed. " Why did I have to kill her?" My dad, for once in his life, smiled at me. " You passed," Nicolo said with a smile on his face. I looked at him, " what the hell do you mean? I killed myself." Adriano shook his head, " you killed the younger version of you." I looked at him, " what?" " You ended the part of you that was holding you back," Nicolo informed. I looked at him, " congratulations," Nicolo said. " C-congratulations, for what? What the hell did I do that was right?" I sobbed. " You finally proved that you're not the weak person Dad view'd you as," Nicolo informed. " And now, soon, the Brambilla's will see the new you too."

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