Chapter 11

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We took Grace home after I changed out of my clothes. Everyone was so concerned about why my right hand was bloody. Thankfully, my dad wasn't here or else my family would be having my funeral tonight. After everything that happened tonight, all I really needed was to relax. I talked to my mom and she said I could stay home tomorrow, I'd have to make up my time to do my AP calculus test. I'm kinda happy I get to stay home, who knows if Alessandro and his group would be there to beat me up.

It was around 3:30 am. I was sitting in my jacuzzi with my hair tied up and my head resting back. My right hand's knuckles throbbed, blood stained my skin. The steam from the hot water cleared up the stinging feeling of the alcohol in my mouth. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths in and out.

Suddenly, the guy I met at the bar, after I ordered my two waters, flooded into my train of thought

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Suddenly, the guy I met at the bar, after I ordered my two waters, flooded into my train of thought. At first, he was pretty confident about trying to hook up with me, but then after he asked me what my last name was and I answered it, the color in his skin immediately drained out his face.

Yes, my family was famously known in all of Italy. Yes, my dad is very intimidating, I know that as a fact. But what if I wasn't in the mafia? What if my last name wasn't Galonos, what if my famous dad wasn't my dad? If I was just some normal girl at the bar and my last name wasn't known by half the country, what would the guy have done? Since saying 'no' doesn't ever work, what would've I done? The same thing I did to Alessandro and his friend? The guy was twice the size of Alessandro, Alessandro worked out daily. Not wanting to fill my head with negative thoughts, I took a deep breathe in before submerged under the steaming water.
                               - - -
I woke up from the sunlight glowing up my room. It was around 12 pm, I groaned and stretched before standing up and walking into the bathroom. My hair was frizzy, my makeup had smeared across my face. After last night, after wearing those four inch heels Grace lended me, my feet ached. I set both hands beside the sink and closed my eyes. After the events from last night, from the alcohol to the two fights, I just wanted to regenerate myself.
                              - - -
Two weeks went by, our personal family driver drove down to our airport to pick up my dad. All I can say is that I wished his business job went on for a few more weeks. When my dad was gone, everybody promised to keep what happened that night a secret. The last thing we wanted was our dad cursing, yelling, and getting out of hand.

We sat around the dinner table, our mom had cooked fried chicken, steamed rice, and heated up some vegetables. My knuckles had began to bruise, I hide them under the table, on my lap.

Emiliano eyed my dad before looking at me. " So," my dad said. Everyone looked at him, shocked that he was starting a conversation. " What happened while I was gone?" My dad asked. My mom cleared her throat and smiled, " the gardens are all done. I just have to water them every other day." My dad chewed his chicken, Carlos and Nicolo looked at each other before looking at me. " Thalia," my dad said. I almost dropped my fork when my name exited my dad's mouth. My dad sighed and looked at me, " they house isn't on fire." I stared at him, " what did you do while I was gone?" I swollowed my bite, why all of a sudden did I fear my dad? " I did a lot of school work," I said. My dad stared at me, his eyes were like black robes. " I also helped mom with the gardens," I added. Adriano took a sip of his drink and cleared his throat, " our recruits are getting better." I looked at Adriano, he gave me the you-owe-me-look. I averted my eyes down to my plate, my dad eyed me.

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, my dad looked at all of us. " Next week, we're all flying down to Milan." " What for?" Carlos asked. " An, arrangement," my dad said. My mom frowned, " what for?" My dad looked at her, " not what, who." Everyone frowned, who was getting an arrangement? My dad sighed, getting ready for what was about to happen. " We are flying down to meet one of Milan's wealthiest soon to be mafia leaders," my dad informed. Great, more snobby Italian guys to talk to. My dad sat up straight, seeing him calm was kinda uncomfortable. " Thalia, I have arranged something for you in Milan," My dad said. I frowned, my dad never gives me anything, what the heck did he to? " When are we leaving?" Adriano asked before taking a bite of his rice. " This Wednesday," my dad answered. That was in three days. " How long will we be in Milan?" My mom asked. My dad thought for a second before saying, " just be packed and ready by Wednesday morning, 7am sharp."

After showering and getting ready for bed, I sat down at my desk and brushed out my hair. What did my dad mean by he arranged me something. My dad was the last person on earth who'd get me something, was he actually thinking about me for once in his life?

I braided my hair, hoping it would be wavy in the morning. Turning off the lights, I opened the curtains. I liked it when the moonlight seeped into my bedroom, the moonlight always seemed to lure me to sleep. I slipped into bed and got comfort before turning and staring out the window. What was my father planning for me? And if he even was planning something for me, should I be worried?

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