Chapter 51: Antonio's POV

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Yay, another one of Antonio's POV's. This one is actually longer! lmao 😂

Thalia, my parents, and I walked out of the building. My father talked to some business partners as our car pulled up. Thalia hugged herself, a cold breeze blew past us. I shrugged off my suit jacket and wrapped it on Thalia's body. " Thank you," Thalia said as she readjusted it to fit her properly. I slid my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. " I still can't believe you gave me eight billion dollars," Thalia sighed. I smiled, " I'd give you more if I wanted to." Thalia's looked at me, " what?" I chuckled, " I'd give you everything I own if my father wasn't my father." Thalia scoffed softly, she leaned her head against my shoulder and sighed. " Thank you," she said again as she closed her eyes. " For what?" I asked as men and women walked past us. Cars pulled up, people got in as the night was ending. " I didn't have anyone who supported me as a kid, my mother was the only person I had," Thalia said. " If I'm being completely honest, I didn't trust you in the beginning." I scoffed and chuckled, " you didn't trust me when we first met?" I felt Thalia smile, which only made me smile more.

The lights decorating the trees lit up the road and sidewalk, everyone looked happy. " I said thank you because you're the only person besides my mom who's giving me a chance at everything." I frowned, " given you a chance?" " My father wanted all boys," Thalia said. " He thought girls were weak and didn't have the strength to support a mafia family." I clenched my jaw, hating to hear the words Thalia's dad thought about her, let alone any women in the world and any mafia family. " You're welcome," I said calmly. 

Our car eventually pulled up, I helped Thalia into the car before I got in and sat down beside her. My parents took a different car to their hotel, leaving Thalia and I alone with a few guards and our driver. I looked at Thalia and knew she was still clogged up about the amount of money I gave to her account. I smiled, " the money could go to you shopping or something." Thalia scoffed and looked at me, " I am so close to getting one of my fathers guns and shooting you." I chuckled, " maybe you'd eventually fit in with me family." Thalia raised me eyebrow, " I don't give two shits about fitting in with your stuck up family." I smiled, " my family loves you." Thalia shook her head and stared out the window, " they'd say otherwise." I sighed and took Thalia's hands in mine, " how about when we get back to the hotel, we'll drink away all our problems." Thalia held back a smile and looked at me. " But then again, after the fiasco at the club a month ago," I said. Thalia smiled and rested her head back on her headrest. I laughed, " only if you piss me off," Thalia said. " But I'm a lightweight drinker so, technically it's not my fault." I nodded, " I'll try not to provoke you tonight." Thalia looked at me, " bullshit."

                               - - -
Standing in front of the tv, in nothing but a matching lacey bra and a black thong, Thalia held a half drunken vodka bottle barely fitting in her left hand. Thalia stumbled in place, keeping her eyes ajar was slowly slipping away. I lay on my back with my hands above my head and smiled at the drunk beauty in front of me. " W-we should do karaoke," Thalia stuttered out. I smiled and shook my head, " I think you've had enough to drink." Thalia shook her head and stumbled forward, I immediately stood up and walked up to her. " W-we need to d-do karaoke," Thalia said stepped away from me. She looked at me and pointed a sloppy pointer finger at me, " y-you're going to sing with me." I chuckled and tried to take to half empty vodka bottle from Thalia's dropping hand, but she instead pushed past me and attempted to walk over to our bed. Hearing a loud thump beside the bed, I looked over to see Thalia on the floor. " Okay, you're done with this," I said walking over to Thalia's restless body. I picked her up and took the vodka bottle from her. " You okay with taking a shower or do you need my help?" I asked. Thalia pushed off me and got on top of our bed, " the night isn't o-over." I sighed and set my hands on my hips, " you're going to get hurt, get off the bed." Thalia smiled, " your being an old hag." I raised my eyebrows, " excuse me?" Thalia stumbled to the side, her leg gave out but she caught herself. I stepped forward to help her, but she held up a hand to stop me. " Please, get off the bed," I said, seeing that it was almost 1 am. Thalia shook her head, " turn on some music." I sighed and stared at her, " you're an absolute pain in the ass." " And your a dick," Thalia said back. I closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose, " I'm not getting off this damn bed unless you turn on some fucking music," Thalia said. Wanting to get her off the bed, I walked over to my phone and plugged it into the speaker. Not wanting to wake up anyone else, I put it on level 20.

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