Chapter 28

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A muscle throbbing sensation flowed about in my body. It hurt so much to open my eyes or even think. I could feel the sun's radiation on my face and arms. The feeling of a formed bruise on my face caused me to stop mid stretch. " Fuck," I groaned out. I forced myself to open my eyes and breath, everything hurt so bad. I inhaled deeply and looked around, I wasn't in my room. " For a second I didn't think you were going to wake up," a voice said. I put a hand to my head and fell back down into the soft, cold pillows. " What the fuck happened?" I groaned. Antonio walked up to me and folded his arms, a small grin covered his face. " You got drunk, almost beat up the shit out of someone," Antonio said. I frowned and looked at him, " what?" Antonio chuckled, " how much do you even remember?" I sighed and thought, " all I remember is drinking shot glasses with Mia and the girls, then everything on went blurry after that." Antonio nodded and stared at me, " someone called me to get you." " Why?" I asked.

Antonio rubbed his jaw, " you and Mia got into a fight, and a pretty bad one." I raised my eyebrows, " what?" Antonio grinned, " someone called me down and I walked in the club and saw you on top of some girl, beating the shit out of her." I groaned and dropped my aching head into my hands. " At first I was worried about you, but then I saw Mia," Antonio said. Anger warmed me up, I looked at Antonio. " Why the hell were you worried about Mia?" Antonio sighed but still managed to smile, " I don't know how mad or drunk you were last night, but Mia's in pretty bad shape." " How bad?" I was tempted to ask. " Broken nose, busted lip, mild concussion, and a few cute and bruises," Antonio informed. I smiled, but my face hurt, so I closed my eyes. " All you got from her was a bruise," Antonio said. I shook my head, " Mia had it coming, she pissed the hell out of me."

I thought for a second, " when did you even come and pick me up?" " Around said eleven thirty, why?" Antonio asked. I looked at him, " please tell me you weren't the guy who pulled me out of the bar." Antonio grinned and I groaned, " what exactly did I say to you?" Antonio inhaled, " a lot of "fuck off's" " screw you's" and " I'm going to kill that bitch". I cried softly at everything I had just taken in, Antonio smiled. " What did I do when we got home?" I asked. " You threw up a lot, actually," Antonio informed. " You drank a lot of water and instantly fell asleep on my bed." I frowned, " why didn't I just go to my room?" Antonio held back a smile, " when I tried to walk you down to your room, you said you'd shoot me with one of your fathers guns." I couldn't help but smile at my drunk self's action. I stood up, but wasn't aware of how hungover I was. Antonio caught me when I stumbled sideways. " You sure you wnat to get out of bed now?" Antonio asked. I smiled, " yeah I'm fine." Antonio scoffed, " you almost killed someone and aren't even sober yet." " What time is it?" I asked walking over and into the bathroom. " Almost 2:30 pm," Antonio answered. I stoped in my tracks and looked at him, " it's past moon?" Antonio nodded, " it took me a while to get you in bed and asleep." " What did you do?" Antonio shrugged, " I drugged you." I glared at Antonio, which only made him chuckle. " I gave you more water and ibuprofen, you were asleep in ten minutes," Antonio said. I shook my head and turned on the sink and washed my face. I paused and looked at myself in the mirror, my dress had been exchanged for a large black tee. I looked down and realized I wasn't wearing any pants and my black cheeky underwear was halfway seen. " How did I get out of my dress?" I asked. Antonio walked over and paused in the doorway, he put his hands in his pants pockets. " How did I get into this?" I asked turning off the water. " Your dress is in your room, I put you in one of my old shirts," Antonio explained. I raised my eyebrows, " you did what?" Antonio held back a smile, " don't worry, I didn't look." And with that, Antonio eyed my attire before turning and walked back into his room.
- - -
I spent the next three hours in my room watching tv with an ice pack on my face. The coldness numbed the pain and soothed my thumping headache. I must say, Antonio's bed was beyond comfortable. It was like laying on a cloud, I wanted to stay in it all day but knew it wouldn't be appropriate.

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