Chapter 64

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THE BOOK IS SLOWLY COMING TO AN END!! How do you guys like the book so far? Anything that you liked or didn't like? Please, all feedback is wanted. Did the song in the last chapter go well with the work dinner meeting scene? Lmao, I thought it did. Well anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the book :)
    Please, comment, like, and vote!!💕

I sat at my desk with a warm coffee in front of me. My eyes were glued on the black dress that was lying on my bed. Those green eyes I stared into were imprinted in my mind. What Antonio said to me last night replayed in my head every since last night. I knew he was sorry, I knew he hated himself for doing what he did. But I didn't want him to tell me that he was sorry, I wanted him to show me. A knock at my hotel door awoke me from my daze. I sighed, got up, and walked over to the door. Opening it, my heart skipped about five thousands beats. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. " What are you doing here?" I asked. The person in front of me smiled. " Is a way to greet your best friend?" Grace asked. She pulled me into a hug, I was beyond shook at seeing my best friend in Venice Italy, standing before me at my hotel room.

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" Have you eaten anything yet?" I asked. " Uh yeah," Grace said sitting down on my bed. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and folded my arms. " Why are you alone in a hotel room?" Grace asked me when she noticed that there were no signs of male products or clothing in the room. " Yeah, I uh, I'm alone," I answered, ready for the questions Grace as going to throw at me. " Okay, so, are you going to tell me why the hottest man In Italy, aka your soon to be husband, isn't in this room?" I stared at Grace, no body else knew about Antonio cheating on me besides Emiliano. " It's a long story," I sighed. Grace smiled, " good thing I'm here for three weeks." I raised my eyebrows, " excuse me?" Grace bit her lip, I dropped my arms to my side and sat down beside her. " Why did you tell me you were coming here? How did you even know I was In Venice?" " Didn't you tell me you were coming down here with Antonio?" Grace asked. I scoffed, " I have been doing a lot of things, and remembering about telling my best friend I was flying down to Venice is the last thing I'd do." Grace smiled at me and said sarcastically, " wow, and I thought we were best friends." I sighed, " I've been through a lot lately, half of my brain is not working." Grace nodded, " so are you going to explain to me why you're alone in this amazing hotel room?" I closed my eyes, " yeah I will." Grace nodded, " it's a lot, huh?" I opened my eyes and chuckled, " you have no idea." Grace looked down at the bracelet Antonio had bought me that was on my wrist. " Holy shit, tell me that's not yours." I tilted my head and stared at the expensive diamond bracelet. " Antonio got it for me, as well as several others." Grace scoffed, " please show me." I sighed, " I can't." Grace raised an eyebrow, " why not?" I played around with the bracelet of my arm, " they're not here." Grace frowned, " where are they then, did you give them away?" I smiled, " no, there back In Milan, at Antonio's place." Grace exhaled in relief, " I was about to say." I looked at her, " I need to tell you everything, but I'm going to need you to listen." Grace nodded, " okay." I stared at her, " please don't overreact, okay?" Grace smiled, " why, why would I overreact?" " Trust me, when I found out, I overreacted, kinda," I said, remembering every break down I had thinking about Antonio and Evelina's two weeks hang out. " Okay, I won't overreact," Grace said. I nodded and sighed, " okay."

The next thing I knew, Grace was walking back and forth yelling about how much of a dick Antonio was and how she was going to rip open his chest and tear out his heart. I stared at her and watched her flare her arms about, swear on Antonio's name, basically doing pretty much everything any best friend would do if some guy cheated and lied to you.

Grace caught her breath and looked at me, " I swear to god I'm going to kill that man." I smiled, " thank you for your feedback and not overreacting." Grace scoffed and fell down onto the bed, " he's a bitch, I hate him." I nodded, " you should've seen what happened last night." Grace looked at me, " what happened last night?" I rolled over so that I was on my stomach, " the girl he was with for two weeks was there." " Evelina?" Grace asked. " She sounds like a bitch too." I chuckled, " every girl in Milan and Venice are." Grace nodded, " so what are you going to do now?" I thought for a second, " to be completely honest, I'm over it." Grace raised her eyebrows, " your completely over the fact that the man you're supposed to marry cheated and lied to you?" Hearing that from Grace made me realize that I was completely over it. " Yeah I guess so," I simply said. Grace smiled and shook her head, " what happened to the Thalia I knew three months ago?" " She's gone," I answered. The smile on Graces face faded, I looked back down at the bracelet on my wrist. " I knew something bad was going to happen, I just didn't know when." Grace nodded, " life's full of surprises." I looked at her and smiled, " the mafia wouldn't be the mafia without it." Grace looked at my hair and frowned, " did you dye your hair?" I smiled, " yeah, it was part of becoming a newer me. The Brambilla's hated me at first, so I decided to change myself up a bit." Grace nodded, " so the old Thalia, the one I knew when we were back In Milan, she's gone, forever?" I sighed, " yeah, it's for the best anyway." Grace tilted her head, " I like the new you anyway." I grinned, " she's more exciting," Grace added.

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