Chapter 6

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Grace walked up to me and sat down on the bench. " How many gardens do think this schools has?" Grace asked looking around. " Five," I answered. Grace looked at me and smiled, " did you walk around and count them all?" I sighed and stared at a patch of Daffodils, " I have a lot of free time." Grace chuckled, " wish I could say the same."

I opened the car door as Grace got in. My driver, who I still don't actually know his name, frowned when seeing Grace sit behind his seat. " I don't think your dad will approve of this Ms. Galonos," My driver said. " My dad's gone for two weeks, we'll be fine," I said, shrugging off the fact that I was violating a family rule.

" Ooo, can we stop off and get milkshakes?" Grace asked leaning forward. I smiled at her and looked at my driver, " I don't think that's a good idea," my driver said. " Thalia's father has strict orders about going straight home after school." " My dad also doesn't know that you allowed Grace to get in the car," I reminded him. Grace looked at me, with a worried expression. " So either we make a deal and not tell my dad about all this, or I can call him right now and tell him you failed at your job," I said calmly. I could practically see the fear in my drivers eyes when I mentioned calling my dad. " What store do you girls want to go to?" My driver asked giving in. Grace hugged me and I couldn't help but laugh, " Milano's Milkshakes please," Grace said. I leaned my head against Grace's as we talked about our fun girls night. My driver frequently looked back in her mirror, making sure we were okay.
- - -
It was near 8 pm, Grace and I were laying on my bed with our toes drying after painting them. " Does your dad drink?" Grace asked. " Obsessively," I answered. " Where does he keep it?" Grace asked. I raised an eyebrow and looked at her, " we're not sneaking into my parent's room to get my dad's alcohol." " Why not?" Grace whined. " Like you said, your dad's gone for two weeks." " He'll notice if one of his bottles is missing," I explained. " He counts them every night, plus their expensive." Graces eye lit up, " expensive alcohol, even better."

After our toes and nails were done dying, Grace and I headed downstairs. All four of my brothers were in the kitchen, and I was ready for what was about to happen.

Carlos looked up and smiled, " Who's this?" Grace looked at him, " Grace," I answered. I looked at Emiliano who had an eyebrow raised, he then looked at Grace. Carlo stopped making his protein shake and walked up to Grace, quew the flirting. " I'm Carlos," Carlos said. " Grace," Grace responded back. I watched as Carlos looked Grace up and down before looking at me. I shot him the back-the-fuck-up-from-her look. He chuckled before turning and going back to his evening snack.

" Does dad know about this?" Adriano asked folding his arms. " Obviously not," I said as Grace and I walked to the pantry. Nicolo stepped out of the way as Grace walked past him. His eyes were glued on her, I count help but grin. " You sleeping over Grace?" Adriano asked. " Uh yeah," Grace answered looking at him. Nicolo smiled, " Thal, dad's not going to like this." " Okay, and whose going to tell him?" I asked looking at all four of my brothers. Everyone was silent. They knew that if they told our dad everyone would get their asses beat.

" You need a room to sleep in?" Carlo asked. Grace looked at him, " she's with me," I said sternly. Carlo stared at Grace before looking at me. I raised my eyebrows, Carlos he held up his hands in surrender. " Mom's not going to like this," Emiliano said folding his arms. I grabbed rice crispy treats, cheese it's, and other snacks before turning to Emiliano. " Mom won't care, now if you all won't mind, we're going up to my room to be undisturbed." Both Carlo and Nicolo stared at Grace as if she was the first girl they saw and wanted to sleep with. " Guys," I said. Everyone looked at me, Grace held back a smile knowing what just happened. " We're going upstairs to be unbothered, okay?" Everyone nodded, " okay," I said again.
- - -
" Have you ever thought about getting any of these?" Grace asked handing me a Victoria Secret magazine, she had the magazine open the lingerie. I scanned them, " no and I would never." Grace took the magazine and flipped through other pages. I watched her as she stared at a tall, skinny girl in flashy lingerie. " You know that's all fake," I informed. Grace scoffed, " they're not having fun, their being forced into eating certain things and doings certain things," I added. " And yet they look fabulous while doing it," Grace said. I looked at her before picking up my magazine I stole from my mom's room. " Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you weren't born into a mafia family?" I asked. " No," Grace replied almost immediately. " So, you don't wonder what your life would be like if it was, normal?" I asked. Grace looked at me, " do you?" " Everyday," I answered. " Why?" Grace asked as if my answer was crazy.

Was I crazy? Was thinking about a life you'd never have weird? As a kid, I didn't actually comprehend what my life was. As a kid, I remember how the rules didn't apply to me because I was so young. If I thought about it more, my life was kinda normal as a kid. I didn't have many friends, but that didn't bother me. I had my toys, my huge house, and my fair god mom.
                                 - - -
I had changed into a all black silk matching pajama set, Grace changed into a long sleeve lavender matching set. It was well past eleven, sleep wavered over both our heads. The moonlight sparkles through the curtains, I stared at the opened window as the night breeze fluttered into the room, blowing against the curtains. Within seconds, Grace was asleep. I stared up at the pitch black ceiling before closing my eyes.

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