Chapter 5

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I slammed my bedroom door, not caring about the consequences I'd get later. I put my hand on my forehead and caught my breath. I wanted to yell and scream. My father's anger issues always affected us. Not standing up for ourselves shows others that we're weak, and I don't care if I get beat or killed, I'm not letting my dad push us around like a pack of stray dogs. Even though he's one of the most dangerous people in Italy.
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The warm water from the shower cascaded down my back, loosening and massaging every tight muscles. The steam infiltrated my body as I breathed in. My scalp tingled, due to the warm water droplets hitting my head. The only place in this house that comforted me was my bedroom. We had a rule in the house were we couldn't barge into other's rooms. My mom on the other half, the rule didn't apply to her.

Turning off the shower, I slipped into a white robe and squeegeed out my wet hair. I walked up to my mirror and stared at myself. I looked done, tired, and annoyed. My father was physically and mentally draining the energy from my body, but I couldn't say the same thing about the others. They always plugged up their opinions, their emotions. I'm not one to stay back and allow things I don't like to happen. Even though I may end up getting hit by my father.

I sat down at my desk and turned on my vanity. Yes, I have a vanity.

My bedroom door opened, my mom walked in. I looked at her through the mirror before picking up my brush. " I made some chocolate chip cookies," my mom said walking up to me with a plate of cookies. The smell was mouth watering, I could practically taste the cookies already. Setting the plate down, my mom took the brush from me and began detangling my wet hair. " Do you remember when I used to do this to you when you were little, and you used to fall asleep?" My mom asked. I couldn't help but smile, the feeling of my mom brushing my hair was magical. The way the brush massaged my scalp was soothing, and my mom new it. I leaned my head back against the chair and closed my eyes, my mom smiled a she continued her task.

" How do you think your life would be now if you didn't marry into a mafia family?" I asked calmly. " Well, I wouldn't have had you and your brothers," My mom answered. " I wouldn't have had this nice house and the gardens in the back." My mom was silent again, she began to hum. My mom used to sing folk tale songs to me as a kid. There was one that she hummed which lured me to sleep.

My mom set the brush down on the desk, I sat up and looked at her. " You are so beautiful," my mom said wrapping her arms around me. I smiled, she kissed my cheek. " I love you," my mom said. " I love you more," I said calmly. My mom smiled before standing up. " Are you going with dad on his business trip?" I asked. My mom chuckled," a wife of a father like yours never attends business trips." I mentally rolled my eyes, it was almost like women didn't have the same potential to do anything as men. It was one of the things that pissed me off the most about the whole shitty mafia life.
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As usual, I changed into my school uniform. But this time, instead of a nude blazer, I chose a black one. I curled my hair and fluffed it up a bit, adding more volume. The sky was a dark blue, the sun would be rising within a few hours. I grabbed my phone and my bag before making my way downstairs, the house was dark and quiet. My brothers didn't work until more towards ten am. My dad left hours ago in his private plane to Verona, I'm happy he's gone for two weeks. I can say since he's my dad and I've known him for a while... I don't like him, periode.

The morning due wetted the lawn, my sneakers squeaked as I walked to my ride. " Ms. Galonos, good morning," my driver said. I smiled at him, " how are you?" He asked. " I've been better," I replied. He nodded and opened my door for me, I got in and he closed it before walking around, back to the drivers side. The whole ride to school, I scrolled through Instagram and tuned in to the lates mafia family drama. Unlike other normal families, mafia families have an entirely different Instagram page slash app. Yes, the icon is the same, but what we post is only viewed by either your family or other mafia families. And In order to view the normal world, you have to have a separate account. My parents don't know that I have an account separate from all the mafia family gang shit.

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