Chapter 33

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It was around 8 pm, Antonio was still out on his work meeting. I ordered some grilled chicken, cooked potato bits, a salad, and chocolate chip cookies. I set aside a portion for Antonio before digging into my food. Even though I hadn't seen Antonio all day, I was still happy and satisfied with everything. The view from our room was breathtaking. The tv actually had good shows, the bed was like sleeping on a cloud, and I knew the shower was going to be life changing.

I changed into some loose grey pajama shorts, and a white tank top. I was going to wear one of the silk lace dresses I had bought, but then I remembered what happened last time. Not that I didn't like what happened last time. I just knew Antonio would be tired, hungry, in need of a shower, and I didn't want to be a distraction.

The door opened and Antonio walked in, he closed the door. " I have food for you," I instantly said. Antonio looked at me and smiled, " I didn't think you'd be up." " It's only nine," I informed. Antonio sighed and walked over to his plate, " the cookie are the dessert," I said. Antonio chuckled, " I'm saving my dessert for later." I looked at him and immediately knew what he was talking about, and I wasn't even wearing the silk lace dress. " I'm taking a shower," Antonio said taking off his tie and walking into the bathroom. " I'd say join me, but you're already dressed," Antonio added. I grinned but hid it by taking another bite of my chicken. Antonio noticed, he smiled and closed the door to the bathroom.
     - - -
Twenty minutes went by, Antonio walked out of the bathroom in grey sweatpants and a topless front. I was eating a cookie and watching a show that was on the tv. I eyed him before looking back at the tv and hiding a smile. " Did you plan on matching with me?" I asked. " Maybe," Antonio said. He got into bed, " but then again it may be coming off soon anyway." I looked at him, " I said maybe," Antonio added with a small grin. I shook my head before smiling and looking back at the tv. " How was work?" I asked. " Boring as usual," Antonio said leaning back. He set his hands behind his head and stared at the tv. " Did you kill anyone?" I asked. Antonio scoffed, " not yet." I smiled and bit my lip, Antonio looked at me. I could feel his eyes scanning the back of me. I shifted uncomfortably, which only made Antonio smile. " You wanna watch anything?" I asked, ending the awkward silence. " Yeah," Antonio said. " Okay, what?" I asked. " They have a lot of good shows, but I don't know your type."

Antonio leaned forward and wrapped his arm around my waist. I don't know how, but he managed to slip me over so I was underneath him. " I like the view from up here," Antonio said. I grinned, " this wasn't the movie I was talking about." Antonio tilted his head, " better than any movie you were talking about." I softly chuckled as Antonio lowered his body and lips onto mine. His hands slipped up my shirt and unclipped my bra. They then slid down my shorts and underneath my underwear. I could feel his smooth warm hands massaging the inner parts of my thighs. His hands slightly grazed my entrance, my body tensed up when his thump almost slipped inside me. Antonio deepened the kiss, he pulled off my shorts and slipped off my tank top. I was naked expect for my bra and underwear, which were barely covering me.

Antonio stopped kissing me for a split second just to say, " that "maybe" might've come a little sooner than I thought." I just laughed as Antonio grinned down at me. " You need sleep," I informed him. " Twenty minuets," Antonio said. " Ten," I said. " Fifteen," Antonio pushed. I shook my head and smile, staring into his beautiful green eyes. " You are such a pain in the ass," I said. Antonio nodded, " twenty minutes." I sighed, finally giving in, " twenty minutes." Antonio grinned which only made me smile. And with that, he tossed my unclipped bra onto the ground, slipped off my underwear and dropped it on the ground. " Twenty minutes," I reminded him. " You might have to remind me," Antonio said. " I might get too carried away." I smiled and was about to push Antonio off me, when he grabbed both my wrists and pinned them above my head. He slowly looked me up and down, butterflies erupted inside me. " And to think that this is all mine," Antonio said. I stared at him, " you have Sixteen minutes left." Antonio scoffed, " I'm adding another ten minutes." My eyed widened as well as my smile, " I swear to god." Antonio licked his lips and grinned, " twenty minutes starting now."

I shook my head as Antonio leaned down and locked his mouth with mine. Antonio let go of my wrist, but I kept them above my head. His hands slid down my front and to my thighs. I gasped softly and slightly arched my back as Antonio slid two fingers into me. The pace was steady and slow, but then began to pick up. Antonio then raised one hand back up to my hands above my head and pushed them into the bed. I was locked in place, and Antonio was in charge. And no matter what I thought, Antonio wasn't going to slow down. The only thing he knew was fast. Fast. Long. and Hard.
    - - -
The morning Venice breeze and sunlight fluttered into my room. Someone had opened the window, probably Antonio. I opened my eyes and smile, stretching. I instantly groaned out in pain as the lower half of my body ached and was sore from last night. I rolled over onto my other side, expecting to see Antonio. His side was empty, the only thing in his spot was a light pink sticky note.

Meet me in the lobby, and hurry

My heart immediately jumped out of my skin. I sprung out of bed, forgetting that I was naked. My legs still ached but I pushed the pain away and threw on some clothes. I clipped my bra back on, got some new underwear, jumped into some light blue mom jeans, and a black cropped vest shirt. I grabbed my black heeled boots and put my hair into a messy bun. I quickly applied some mascara before grabbing my phone and running down to the lobby.

Antonio was talking to some guards, I ran up to him. " What?" I asked. Antonio turned to me and smile, " hey." I raised my eyebrows while breathing heavily. Antonio frowned, " what?" I put my hands on my hips, " I thought something happened to you." Antonio grinned, " why'd you think that?" I scoffed, still out of breath, " the freaking note you left on your side of the bed." Antonio chuckled, " we're getting a tour around Venice and I wanted to get out and going before everyone else did." A slow smile spread across my face, " I thought something bad happened to you." Antonio smiled and pulled me into a hug, " I'm not even ready yet," I informed. Antonio shook his head, " you look beautiful as always." I scoffed, " easy for you to say, you look good on a daily basis." Antonio chuckled, " thank you." Antonio stepped back, " you wanna go back upstairs and get ready?" I smiled, " I'm already down here, I'm not going back up to our room." Antonio smiled, knowing I was talking about the pain I was in from last night. " You're up and walking," Antonio said. I looked at him, " I nearly collapsed on the ground getting ready." Antonio smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist, " sorry I wasn't there to see that." I teasingly pushed Antonio back, he just chuckled.

We walked outside into the cool warm weather. Tons of people crossed crosswalks, entered and exited stores and restaurants. " I think we might've missed our window," I said smiling. Antonio held back a smile, " I didn't get you down here because of the tourist." I frowned and looked at him, " what?" Antonio grinned, " we're going shopping." I raised my eyebrows, " excuse me?" Antonio turned and faced me, " I know you hate that kind of stuff, but it's important." I scoffed, " you know me well enough to know that I'm not wearing some ball gown." Antonio smiled and put his hands in his pockets, " you're going to be with more more, so dresses and heels are going to have to become your best friend." I looked at Antonio, " seriously?" Antonio nodded, and slid his hand back around my waist as our ride pulled up. Antonio leaned down to my ear and whispered, " I also just want to see you in a dress." I clenched my jaw as Antonio smiled. " Ready boss?" A guard asked. " Yeah," Antonio said grinning.

As we rode towards the dress shop, Antonio pulled out the same light pink bag I saw him holding yesterday when we arrived in Venice. Antonio placed it on my lap, I looked at him before looking down at the bag. " What is it?" I asked. " Nothing much, just a gift," Antonio said. I took out all the white tissue paper, a smile grew on my face as I stared into the bag. Antonio rubbed his jaw and grinned, I scoffed. " Oh my god," I said. I pulled out a thin diamond necklace, it was absolutely stunning. " And there's more to where that came from," Antonio added. I looked at him, " why did you get me this?" " I know you're not into all this, but I want to treat you," Antonio said. I shook my head and looked back down at the necklace. " If you don't like it, I can take it back," Antonio informed. " No, I love it, thank you," I said. I stared at the necklace in awe before setting it back down in the bag. We arrived at the dress shop within a few seconds.

The door opened I got out and followed Antonio and several other guards into the store. " Mr. Brambilla," a tall brunette Venice women welcomed us in. " Welcome to Bellezza Boutique."

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