Chapter 55

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Ahhhhhhhhh, this book, I think, is getting good. How do you guys feel about Thalia's decision on her somewhat forced glow up for the Brambilla family? Ahhhh lmao, how's the book so far?
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It was nearing 11:30 pm, rain pounded against the windows. I wore a white silk lace dress with a silk black shall. I sat on the bed, underneath the sheets with a book on my lap. A cold breeze fluttered into the room from the small crack in the windows. My attention was only focused on my book and Antonio's whereabouts. The room was dark, but lit enough to make out objects around the room. The door opened, I didn't have to look up to know that Antonio was back. I watched him set a stack of folders down on the dresser. Thunder boomed from outside, the smell of rain infiltrated into the room. I closed my book and set it on my bedside table as Antonio into the bathroom.

For a becoming mafia leader, he wasn't very good at knowing when he's being watched.

I got out from the bed and folded my arms, about thirty seconds later Antonio walked back into the room. " How was work?" I asked calmly. Antonio's head turned to me, " how long have you been there?" " Standing here or in the room?" I asked. Antonio stared at me, " In the room." " Since five pm," I answered calmly. Antonio walked up to me, he pulled me into a hug before softly kissing me on the lips. " Have you had anything to eat yet?" He asked me as he turned and began taking off his suit jacket. I watched Antonio, " yeah." I hugged myself as a cold breeze slipped down my spine. " Where are the guards?" Antonio asked. " I don't know," I said calmly, knowing what Antonio had said earlier. Stopping in mid change, Antonio looked at me. I inhaled and exhaled, showing no sign of caring. " You left without having any of my guards with you? Antonio asked me. I nodded, " yes." Antonio stared at me, " I told you to take them." " And I didn't," I said.

Yes, Thalia Galonos was talking back to a soon to be mafia leader. Stay tuned to see what happens next.

Antonio's eyebrows slightly brushed together. " I'm trying to protect you Thalia." " I can protect myself," I said calmly back. Antonio scoffed, " do you have any idea what enemies I have roaming around Italy?" " I do, I just don't care," I said. Antonio turned to face me, " you don't care?" I simply nodded, " I'm still alive aren't I?" I knew Antonio wasn't in the middle to argue with me because he sighed, and walked over to his dresser. " How many women do you enjoy talking to?" I asked. Antonio pulled out a loose grey shirt and black sweatpants. " What are you talking about?" I stared at Antonio as he took off his tie and dress shoes. " The woman in the purple dress that night at your bidding event," I said. Antonio looked at me, " what about her?" I raised an eyebrow, " you two are in every single magazine in Italy, you know her so don't even try to tell me you don't." Antonio stared at me as if I was speaking in tongues or something. " What are you talking about?" Antonio asked. I walked over to him and grabbed a magazine off the dresser, I handed it to Antonio. Antonio opened it and looked at the picture of him and some girl, as well as the bolded headline. " What's her name?" I asked, trying to keep myself from getting angry. " I don't know," Antonio closing the magazine and looking at me. " Well start knowing because I'm not believing your bullshit," I said back. A muscle in Antonio's jaw twitched. " What do you want me to say?" Antonio asked. " Do you know her?" I asked. " What's her name?" " Do you always talk this close when I'm not around." Antonio smiled, " she's just some one from work."

This man had the audacity to smile at me?!

I folded my arms and said calmly, " every single human being in Italy thinks you're seeing another woman who's not me." Antonio's smile faded off his face, " the paparazzi obviously got a good picture of you and some woman because everyone thinks you two are together." Antonio shook his head, " it's paparazzi, they start shit like this." " Yeah, shit about you being up close with some girl," I added, my voice getting a little louder. Antonio sighed, " trust me." I stared at Antonio, who stepped closer to me. " You will forever be the only person I will be with. We are in this together, and I will never leave you for anyone else." My nerves settled down, I clenched my jaw. " Okay?" Antonio asked. I physically had to force myself to give in, " okay." Antonio nodded, he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. He then paused, " did you dye your hair?" Part of me smiled, happy that he noticed the change about my hair. " Maybe," I said stepping back and walking past Antonio. " Why?" Antonio asked. I held back a smile, " because I wanted to. I shrugged off my black shall and allowed it to slip onto the ground. " You ready for bed?" I asked calmly. Antonio turned around as his eyes immediately glued onto my silk lace dress. " Or do you still have work to do?" I teased. Antonio shook his head, " you're asking for it." I slightly tilted my head, " asking for what?"

Within seconds, I found myself on the bed, arms pinned above me, hard into the sheets. " I'm starting to think your softening up on me," I said softly. Antonio grinned, I bit my lip tryin to maintain the smile that was fighting to come through. " You are going to be the death of me Thalia Galonos." Finely, I broke through and smiled. Antonio shook his head before leaning down and connecting his lips onto mine.

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