Chapter 6- Goddess

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Caleb's POV
James sat down in my office. "Why are you disappearing and coming back unharmed?" I asked calm his right eye twitched. If there if anything I know about James it's that when his right eye twitches he knows something. "I- er- um- Goddess" he stuttered. "Ok cool- WAIT did you say GODDESS" I bellowed.

He nodded meekly at my alpha tone "PACK MEETING" I yelled and foot steps could be heard. "Thank you James you may leave now" I barked in full alpha mode.

That Goddess will die.

Rea's POV
I pulled on my brown Carmel dress with a jean top and tied it and slipped on my Carmel brown heels and walked out to greet a pacing James. "Do you have any idea at what you've done" I screamed at him. "I'm sorry it slipped!" he threw his hands in the air.

"If someone finds me...." I trailed off "no" his face was hard. "Maybe its my time, for real" I shushed him with a hug. "No, you promised!" he pushed me away. "James, it's my time" I told him in a serious tone.

I mean, I've hid so many times and it was bound to catch up to me.

"It'll be better for everyone" I sat on the couch and played with my dress. "Not if I can help it" he thundered making me cringe. His voice held so much power. "James, drop it" my voice left no room for arguments.

The door slammed shut and I jumped 'get ready' Fire told me 'for what?' I asked curiously. 'Death' she whispered then cut off suddenly. My eyes watered.

I wouldn't get to see my son one last time. Or feel the touch of my mate again. Or see my brothers. And meet their mates. And see my baby meet his. Or have more kids.

My hands went to my stomach as my tears hit the floor.

I would never love again.m

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now