Chapter 14-one last time

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Rea's POV
It burned. A fire spread through my veins, I was screaming and thrashing in pain. I knew I only had so long. I could imagine Winter's scared face from across the cell, it was one of horror. This was her punishment.

Watching me die.

I knew that after I was gone they'd kill her top, but the can't. Her second chance mate needs her. All my forms had been weakened, they can't speak. I'm all on my own on this one. If only someone would open the door.

James's POV
I could feel terror, and sadness. They weren't my emotions. The feelings only grew stronger and stronger. I could almost feel what was happening. I could almost see the terror and sadness.

They burned through my system and I was left with tears. I was crying. 'Help, please' a voice whimpered. I clutched my head and stumbled to the side, my head was hurting as if someone had clubbed me.

'Please! Help me' the voice said again more for actin then the last. I wanted to answer, but the pain was to much.

I collapsed.

Matt's POV
I was burning up. Like the whole world was a giant oven, and in was the food being baked. Pain flashed through my system and I clutched my stomach, they weren't my emotions.


Stumbling blindly through the hall I made my way to Caleb's office, I threw the door open. "Matt? What's wrong?" he asked and sat me on his couch "I can feel her pain" I moaned as another wave hit me.

"Feel whose pain?" he asked me confused "Realene" I breathed when it stopped. He was frozen in place. "Impossible, she's dead" he laughed humorlessly "we WATCHED her jump from a cliff!" he shouted.

"Then tell me what I'm feeling Caleb! TELL ME!" I screamed at him, he should believe me. "Matt you've been without her for too long" he snarled "maybe it's your wolf dying" he spit. I started shaking.

"You don't believe me?!" I shouted at him "no" he monotoned, "DAMMIT, SHE COULD BE OUT THERE AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE!" I screamed in his face. "What about me Matt? What about the time she left? Then came back to leave again? The came back, and JUMPED FROM A CLIFF!" he shouted in my face.

"What about the time you hit her?" I asked coldly, "what about then you rejected her?" he asked harshly. That simple line made my heart freeze over. "What about the time she protected your son? Died for you? Loved you? Was your little sister? WHAT ABOUT THE TIME SHE WAS YOUR SLAVE!" I bellowed.

At that he flinched.

"What about the time she kept your kid from you?" he spat "you've gone to far Caleb" I hissed and punched his jaw. "When she is out there and I find her, what will you think of her then?! Huh tell me!" I shouted at him.

"I'll think she was weak for running away" he spit and walked out of this office. I was left there shaking in fury. Rea is anything but weak.

She's the strongest person I know.

Rea's POV
The man had come back and injected me with more, the pain was worse this time. Ten times worse. A pool of blood had formed around me, the silver and wolfsbane whip they had best me with reopened old wounds.

The silver in wolfsbane had entered my blood stream, it was only a matter of time. I wish that one last time I could see Matt, Reed, my nephews, and brothers. Meet their mates and know they are happy without me.

One last time.

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now