Chapter 15

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For swimgirl27 for you amazing comments!

Reed's POV
My dad stormed in "dad what's wrong?" I asked and Ava stood beside me, clutching my hand. "Your mom is alive, she's out there" he seethed, "and your dumbass uncle won't believe me" he hissed out his eyes black.

My breath caught in my throat, she's out there. She's alive! Ava held my hand tightly, "Matt do you know where she might be?" she asked softly "no" he shook his head. Deep inside me my forms were jumping for joy, there mom was alive.

She wasn't dead, she wasn't at the bottom of the ocean. She was walking the streets somewhere a smile on her face. I frowned, if she was alive then why wasn't she here with us?

Ava rubbed my arm now, calming me down "down worry we will find her" she promised me and my dad. "Maybe she's not that far" she suggested "I mean last time she was out of town, maybe she's close this time" she said.

"True" my dad had calmed down but paced in front of us, "why wouldn't she come to us?" he asked "maybe she was afraid you'd reject her" Ava whispered more to herself then anyone. "Never" Dad growled mad again, "I have already lost her enough" he groaned.

"I'll be damned if I lose her again" he snapped and stormed from the house, all he needs right now is a good run to clear his head. "Don't worry Reed we will find her" Ava cupped my cheek and kissed my lips.

"I hope so" I murmured and nuzzled her mark. Where was she when I need her most? We used to be close, I was a momma boy. Now I'm Reed Anderson, son of Matthew Anderson and Realene Walker. Without her I felt like nothing. Ava fixed the whole in my heart, but there is a big part in my mind that still yearns for my mom.

James's POV
I groaned as a bright white light hit my unready eyes. "Babe turn down the lights, he's awake" my dad's gruff voice spoke and the lights dimmed to the point I could open them. "James what happened?" my mom said "I don't remember" I spoke dazed.

"We found you on your floor mumbling something we couldn't hear" dad said with a raised eye brow. 'Help! Please help!' a voice weakly spoke in my head. Clutching my head I moaned "who are you?" I asked in a whispered, 'please! She doesn't have much time!' the voice was weaker but urgent.

"Who are you?!" I screamed "JAMES! GET A DOCTOR!" my dad screamed as I thrashed on the bed. He tried to hold me down, but I thrashed about trying to get free. "Hold him still" a new voice commanded, I couldn't see my vision was blurred. Someone jammed a needle in my arm, the liquid rushed through my veins.

Suddenly I was drowsy and stopped thrashing slowly, sighs of relief were heard all around the room. Just as my eyes drooped I whispered the words the voice told me "please, she doesn't have much time!" I reached a weak hand out in the air.

My eyes rolled back into my head.

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now