Chapter 13- Winter

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Rea's POV
I couldn't cry. My tears ran dry. I had shifted back into my human form, my hair and smell coated in blood. So much blood. Hearing loud voices shouting them a slap, I panicked. I heard my cell door creak open then heat next to me.

"Play nice" the man growled and shut the door. I couldn't see but I could hear and smell. Lavender and honey. "Who are you?" she asked "you look like shit" she commented. "Thanks" I croaked out.

"I'm Realene" I choked out before coughs wracked my body. "I'm Winter" she whispered, "what do you look like?" I asked her "your blind" she gasped when I turned my head at the sound of her voice. "Sadly" I whimpered when I moved.

"I have black with red tipped hair, light brown eyes, and I'm 5'5 the perfect height!" she said happily in a whisper. Inhaling then wincing I smelt her. Werewolf, daemon, angel, fairy and vampire.

I wasn't alone.

"Hybrid?" I croaked and coughed "how did you know?" she asked softly "smell again young one" I chuckled weakly. I heard her sharp intake of breath "your like me" she breathed out. "Yes" I murmured feeling drained.

"Tell me about yourself" I whispered weakly and leaned my head against the wall. "I was recjted by my mate for my kind, and I ran. Now I'm here" she chuckled darkly. "Will I end up like you Rea?" she asked scared.

I knew there was something special about her "no" I said strongly "I won't let them" I told her. "You don't even know me" she said lamely, "your special Winter, I feel it" I struggled to chuckle. I let out a rib cracking cough,blood spilled from my mouth and dribbled down my chin.

"Rea?!" she voice was panicked "don't look" I coughed more blood "Rea what can I do?" she asked laying her hand on my shoulder, I hissed. Blood went flying from my mouth. "Close your eyes" I barked and coughed.

Winter's POV
I shut my eyes tightly, but I could still hear her coughing. 'She doesn't have much time' Maria my angel said sadly, 'can we help her?' I asked panicked. 'No' Scar my daemon said in pity to, 'it's too late' Rita my wolf hung her head low. 'Shes like us' Fae my fairy whispered, my vampire Valentine was quiet like always.

I wrapped my arms around my shins and rocked back and forth, I could still hear her coughing. Each one worse then the other. "I'm so sorry" she weakly said and looked at me. Her hair stained red with blood, and her once chalky pink lips bright red as well as her teeth. "Jesus Rea, how are you still alive?" I asked and looked away.

"I'm not" she smiled weakly when we heard footsteps she whispered "be quiet". I heard a rough voice speak "it's time" and our cell door creaked open. I heard chains rattle when a scream, I flinched at the horrible sound. I knew it was Realene.

Opening my eyes once again I saw her being drug to the cell across mine and chained to the floor. "Have a wonderful time" the man grinned at her, when he saw me I flinched. "Don't hurt her" Rea screamed at him, but he pain in her blind eyes killed me.

"I won't" the man chuckled evilly. He stalked off and I witnessed Realene scream and writhe in pain. I let out a breath, a white cloud appeared in front of me.

Winter is here, and this time it's not the season.
Pic of Winters hair!

What's gonna happen?




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