Chapter 4- into the woods

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Rea's POV
I looked at my little cottage. I love it! It's just like the one from Twilight! Everything inside is perfect for me. Hand covered my eyes and my wings folded in "guess who?" his deep silky voice said. "James!" I turned and hugged him, my wing coming out again "how are you holding up" he whispered in my ear. "Good" I smiled sadly. Ever since I jumped off the cliff I went into a coma because I hit my head.

Then I woke up in front of my cottage! I was ordered by the moon goddess to stay in Pan's form and only let my other forms out when needed. It's fall so my hair turned brown, eyes turned brown, wings and dresses. Pan turns with the seasons I found out. "Hey, they are doing fine" he lied and I frowned. "Fine, they look like zombies!" he laughed.

James is the only own who knows where to find me, and I would like to keep it like that. "Let's go inside shall we?" he said in a posh accent and held his arm out for me to take. Taking his arm we walked inside and settled on the couch. "Do you mind if I stay the night?" he asked sheepishly "another fight?" I laughed.

James and his dad get into fights because he is always sneaking off, and he doesn't do what he dad told him to do. "Yes" he grumbled "well then your welcome anytime" I chirped and stood up. James snuggled into the couch as the fire crackled and popped, he sighed in content.

My forms cooed inside me, they treat James like a son because we had to give ours up. I changed into my human form and went into the kitchen were a banquet of coral roses sat, making the house smelled like them. I like to think of my house as my safe haven. I could just relax when I saw the fire crackle and the smell of roses.

From the other room I heard James stir, so I walked in and shook him awake. "Jess come on go into the spare bed" I whispered still shaking him. He yawned and starched his arms out "fine" he pouted but got up and walked into the spare room. Which was a shabby wood made room with a super comfy deep couch with plush blankets. With a view of the woods.

I feel like my life has become the movie into the woods!

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