Chapter 20- the BBQ, part 1

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Matt's POV
I looked at the backyard. The pixie lights were hung, or wrapped around something like a snake. It was early in the morning, I woke up to finish the job. 'Come to my office, I have another task' Caleb orders over the mind link.

Grumbling I go into the pack house and knock on his office "come in" I hear his deep voice from the other side. Opening the door I slam it shut, it shakes on its hinges. "Here is a list of things we need for tonight" he slides a list over to me.

"Yes Alpha" I sneer his title and rudely grab the list, with another slam of the door I was out of his off I'd and stalking towards the garage. "Stupid Alpha" I grumbled and start my car up.

He will be the death of us all.

Caleb's POV
I stood looking out my window in my office, "impossible" I whisper dazed. Snow fell semi heavily from the sky. It was the beginning of summer, this was not how I planned it!

"Alpha what are we gonna do?" Eric the pack warrior and tracker that captured the goddess asked bursting into my office. "We continue on" I turn and look at him while grinning wickedly.

"What? Why?" He asks, I grin and sit down in my chair. "Why not make it even more fantastic?" I ask innocently while looking at him. He smiles catching my drift, "the snow will turn red with revenge. And all will be well in the wolf world" I further explain.

"Shall I go and ready our guest?" He asks a glint in his eyes "of course" I dismiss him, just as he leaves my beautiful wife/mate enters. "Caleb, what's happening to you?" She asks sadly tears shining in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, "your different Cal. Your ruthless! And now your going to kill an innocent who hasn't even harmed us!" She screams the tears falling.

"Baby I'm still Caleb" I speak gently and reach to gather her in my arms, "don't touch me! I don't even know you" she hisses and runs from the room. I lean back in my chair, is what she said true?


I haven't changed at all, I'm still the same Caleb was when we first met. She isn't thinking clearly, it's been a stressful week. Yeah, she's tired and grumpy maybe a nap will do her some good.

Reed's POV
I looked down at my mate, she laid tangled in the sheets. We fully mated when the snow started falling. We were one. She rolled over and cuddled into my chest and let out a satisfied sigh.

I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled her neck. "Hmmm good morning" she giggles when my hot breath tickles the hairs on her neck. "Morning" I softly nip at her mark.

"We need to get ready for the BBQ" she says while looking up at me "it isn't until dinner, which starts in two hours" I chuckle and flick her nose. "Still" she shrugs and tried to get up, I hold her to my chest.

"Go pretty yourself up" I fake a southern accent making her eyes winkle with delight, "hhmm I'll see you later my cow boy" she giggles and kisses my lips. She runs into the bathroom with her hybrid speed and slams the door shut.

Chuckling I get up and dress in all black, something have I've been doing for the last couple months. And my mate finds it sexy so there's a plus. Black skinny jeans, black button down, black converse and a beanie.

With fake nerd glasses, smirking in the mirror I sit on the bed and full out my phone and play Dot Wave. "How do I look?" Ava asks emerging from the bathroom wearing one of my hoodies, light wash jeans with dark blue accents and black high tops.

"Beautiful as always" I smile at her and stand up to kiss her lips. "Come on Red, let's go see if Matt needs help" she suggests and laces your hands together. "Sure" I shrug and pocket my phone, we walk hand-in-hand down to the backyard were people are running around.

"Hey man" James comes up and we do our handshake "who's this?" Ava asks kindly looking at the girls hand he was holding. She had black hair with red streaks and brown eyes, and she looked about 5'5. "This is Winter, my mate" he says proudly while kissing her forehead.

She blushes red "I'm Reed, the cousin, and this is my Ava" I smile at her gently, her and Ava hug before they walk of chattering excitedly about the BBQ in the snow. "Hey can I talk to you?" James asks lowly while looking around, I nod and we walk to the edge of the woods.

"I heard from my mom this isn't a BBQ, they are going to bring out the goddess and kill her" he informs me in a low tone. Dread settles int he pit of my stomach, Blaze and Xale stir at this information. "Caleb is going mad, I heard him and Luna fighting" he states again.

"Him and Maria?" I ask shocked, never in their years of marriage have Caleb and Maria fought. "I heard it myself" James nods his eyes going cold at the name of Caleb. "Caleb has seemed, a little off ever since we captured the goddess" I commented on the behavior of my Uncle.

"Yeah, it's weird ever since..." He trails off his eyes trained on the drive way. I spin around in time to see at least thirty black vans coming down the drive. "Who would that be?" James asks raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, my dad might though" I say equally as confused.

Matt's POV
"Beta Matthew Alpha requests your presence" a warrior says behind me "thank you, be on your way" I turn and nod at Gabe. Bowing he briskly walks away into the pack house.

Dusting off my hands I stand up and stroll at my own pace into his office. "Beta Matthew, your remember the Alphas of the world" Caleb says. "Of course" I give them a tight lipped smile.

"They will be joining us for BBQ" he grins at me while I nod. "Gentlemen please follow me" Caleb motions the buff looking men. As the pass me I bow and greet them by name and title.

"That shit" I growl and stalk after them. I zone out as Caleb gathers the pack members and announces the Alpha's will be joining us. "Matt, would you go get Eric, I believe he is with a rouge in the cells" Caleb requests nicely for once.

"Why the hell not" I say sarcastically and walk at a slow pace into the woods. The deeper I go the deeper dread settles in my stomach. Finally I come to stop outside the ragged looking shack. Nodding at the guards I enter the shack.

I walk downtown the cement steps and stop at a metal door to punch in a code. The door creaks open loudly. Instantly I was hit with the strong smell of blood, I gagged. There was a dripping sound and the place was dimly lit.

A blood curling scream broke the silence. I found myself running down the halls, I came to a stop at one certain cell where blood smelled the strongest. I looked at the person who was chained to the wall.

She looked dead, her skin was sunken in, scars marred her pale skin. Blood stained everywhere. Her bones stuck out in a gut wrenching way. Her eyes had no pupil, instead they were blue, purple and green.

She's blind.

"Beta Matt what are you doing here?" Eric asks suddenly standing beside me. Rage. I turned to him and grip his throat, I squeeze harder making him turn purple. He claws at my hands trying to get me to drop him.

In one swift move I snap his neck and toss his body aside. I searched for his keys, when I found them I ripped them off his body and stuck a random keys in the hole. After several minutes I heard a click.

I shoved the cell open, I ignored the burns the bars gave me and rushed to girl. When I was close enough I smelled it.

Cotton candy and raspberry.

"Oh Rea" I sob and cup her cheek,she coughs. Blood dribbled from the side of her mouth. "Matt, go. Don't remember me like this" her voice is weak and scratchy. "No! Your going make it!" I growl and break the chains through blurry eyes.

She fell but I caught her, cradling her to my chest I look down at her. "We need to get you medical help" I say rushed and bolt through the corridor. The only thing on my mind was saving the girl in my arms.
One more chapter then epilogue!

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