Chapter 5- broken

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Rea's POV
The days starting passing slower. I became depressed a faster James left. My forms didn't try and cheer me up. They all felt they same as me.


Reed's POV
I felt numb. Like nothing I did could take my mind off her. "Reed" Jake poked his head in my door "yes" my voice was a whisper "just let it out" he urged me.

I haven't cried since the day she jumped. And it needs to be let out. So I screamed and cried feeling relieved "better?" Jake smiled "thanks" I laughed bitterly.

"I miss her to you know" sadness clouded his features, "you guys were my family" he placed his hand gently on my shoulder.

"Thank you for that, it means more then life" he said and left. 'Live your life Reed, let me go' her voice whispered in the wind.

"I don't think I can" I chuckled without humor. 'For me' was the last thing before the wind died. I could try but it won't be easy.

Like every night I took out her letter and read it again. And then listened to her videos she left behind. It was the last thing I had left from her.

Besides the rings this was all I had.

All I had left of my broken family.

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now