Chapter 18-prison break

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Matt's POV
Her addicting scent filled my nose, I was getting closer to her. I was going deeper and deeper into the woods. Her scent got stronger with each passing minute, my wolf was getting excited.

I skidded to a halt, a came to a stop at a small cottage. Her scent was the strongest inside. Grinning I strode to the door and opened it, it hit the wall with a loud bang. The sound carried through the empty house.

I listened for a heart beat, or a noise of some kind. But I heard nothing, I began to search the house. I came across her bedroom, plain white. I frowned when I saw a photo on her might stand.

Crossing the room I picked up the photo and say on the bed. It was a picture of me and her, we were wrapped in each other's arms smiling at the camera. Her icy blue eyes stared at me, shining with happiness.

A cold breeze seemed to sweep through the house effectively chilling me to the bones. 'Help me' the wind whispered, 'please, there isn't much time.' The worlds left me chilled to the core.

What did it mean when it said there wasn't much time?

A single tear fell from my eye and dropped onto her face, the image was blurred. 'Matt, report to my office now!' Caleb barked through our mind link. I chuckled bitterly and set down the picture.

I would definitely be coming back later tonight.

I plopped down in a leather chair across from Caleb, "what" I said in cool, clipped tone. "Saturday we having a BBQ, for the pack. I need you to cook and help set up" he monotoned while glaring at me.

Tension was thick in the room, I clenched my fists and ground my teeth to stop from hurting him. "Yes Alpha" I spit and jumped from my chair, I punched the wall on the way out.

I have had it with idiots like him. I tore off into the forests where I last saw my beloved mate.

Winger's POV
They took her again. This time, I couldn't hear anything. A pin could drop and it would be louder then this. My heart was hammering in my chest, my wrists burned from the silver and wolfs bane cuffs.

There was nothing I could do to escape from here. And if I did there was no way Realene was in any condition to walk. I was to weak to carry her, my forms were weak as well.

I knew Rea's other forms had died, she only smelled of wolf. And a very strong one at that, but you could tell she was weaker by the hour. I felt bad, she told me to get out while I still can.

Using my hands I combed through my hair the best I could. My hand hit a warm, metal clip. A spark of hope hit me and I roughy pulled it from my hair. I held it before me, a bobby pin!

My last hope.

With my teeth I stretched the pin out and tried to pick the lock. After several ,I they of trying, I was rewarded with a click on my right hands cuff. Grinning I picked the other. My wrists were raw and stung immensely.

Standing on shaky legs I rushed toward the cell bars. I hissed when I touched the bars, silver and wolfs bane. The lock was only I few feet away. Biting my lip I stuck my arm through the bars, a few tears leaked from my eyes.

Finally I heard the click and quietly as possible I opened the cell door. No one heard anything, I'm sure the door was sound proof both way. I smiling I took off down the hall, my feet were silent.

I came to the door at the end of the hall and swung it open, I was blinded but the bright light of the afternoon sun. It was so dark in the cells, I wasn't used to the light. As soon as my eyes adjusted I booted off in the direction I hoped was the right one.

Finally I was free!

James's POV
My wolf was restless as we sat at the lake. The wind shifted and I smelt and allying smell, strawberries and vanilla. 'Mate' my wolf growled, I jump to my feet and run after the scent.

A body slams into mine, automatically I catch her. The Sparks, tingles, and smell. My mate. I look down at her, black hair with red streaks. "Mine" I growl and clutch her to me, I notice she winces.

"What's wrong?" I ask frantically and search her over with my eyes. "Please, help me" her voice is weak. I notice she is deathly pale, I look at her hands. There were burn marks on her wrists.

Silver and wolfs bane.

She was captured!

A loud growl tore its way through my throat. "Please there isn't much time" her eyes were drooping closed. Without a second thought I swoop her off her feet and ran at lightening speed to the pack house.

I could onto hope there was enough time.

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now