Chapter 12-mark

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Realene's POV
I lost count of how long I'd been down here. I'm bloody, broken and bruise. I have been cut, whipped, punch, kicked, anything. But I know they have mates and they don't dare touch me like that.

I slumped against the silver and wolfsbane cuffs. They burned my wrists and I hissed. My forms were to weak to fight now, I healed at human pace. And the worst part is, I can't see. I wish one last time I could see Matt's face, one last time.

I bowed my head and let a tear slip from the corner of my eye.


My tear hit the floor.



There go a couple more.

The left for today, but I knew they would be back. Pan's hair went from white to red, stained with my blood. I'm skin and bones, hardly fed me. Only water and an apple at the most.

I can feel Matt's presence so close sometimes, I could yell in joy. But I don't. Because I deserve this. I left and put them through hell and back, this is my hell right now. Then I felt him leave and the door opened.

Oh great.

"How long have I been down here?" I croaked to the guard "one month" he monotoned. A month of this hell, I can only take so much more. "But don't worry, you have served your purpose" he sneered and I flinched.

Even though I can't see him I'm sure his lip is curled over his teeth and his eyes showing disgust. It fell silent, you could only hear my rugged breathing due to my broken ribs. Each breath I took hurt.

"You know" the guard said "the Pack warrior Jack was planning a pain full death" he informed me. My eyebrow furrowed, why is he telling me this? "I shouldn't tell you but he is getting silver and wolfsbane" he said in a sorrowful tone.

"He will inject it into you and leave you to die" he said and I gasped, and coughed up blood. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes, when will this end.

Reed's POV
Ava moved in with me and dad and it's going well. Kinda. James and his dad had a big fight and he is staying with us. Dad is looking for mom, I would help but he told me to say with Ava.

"Reed it's ok, he will find her" Ava soothed me as I sat on my bed my head in my hands. "I just wanna be there when he does" I mumbled and looked in her eyes. Our foreheads were almost touching and I could smell her minty breath.

I leaned in so our heads were touching, "Reed" she said breathlessly "Ava" I mimicked her "kiss me" she said mad I closed the gap between us. One hand moved to her back and I pulled her tighter against us. The other tangled her hair.

Her arms wrapped around my neck as we kissed. When she needed air she broke apart and I kissed the spot where her mark would go. She let out a small moan and said "mark me" I did just that.

I was clueless that my moms mark of death was coming so soon.

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now