Chapter 19- killing of the goddess

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James's POV
I held her hand tightly in mine. She lay peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed, the onto sound was her heart monitor. I gave her hand a small squeeze "I've waited so long for you" I whisper and kiss her hand gently.

"So have I" her melodic voice speaks and she cracks her eyes open. "Mine" I growl protectively "mate" she squeezes my hand weakly. The burns were healing nicely, but the would leave scars on her creamy skin.

"I'm James" I flash her a mega watt smile, I hear her heart beat spike. "Winter" she grins back at me. "Where did you come from?" I ask softly while scooting closer to her, fear flashes in her eyes.

"F-far from here, it was awful" she sobs, her shoulders hunched. "Hey, shhh, they will never ever get you again" I promise her, she looks at me with her big watery eyes and I know I'm a goner.

"I met someone down there, she saved my life" she sniffles while I stiffen. "Do you know her name?" I ask lowly. Something flickered in her eyes, "Realene" she whispers in agony, "she saved me" she whispers not meeting my gaze.

"What did she look like?" I asked seriously, "bloody, scars all over her body, and she's blind" she briefly described her. A painful flash hit my heart, "what do you means she's blind?" I ask " she had no pupils, she can't see anything" her lip wobbles.

I hold her hand tightly in my own, could my aunt be where she came from? No. It can't be her! "I see you are awake Miss" the doctors voice interrupted us. "Um yes" she she clears her throat.

"You are free to go, there seems to be nothing wrong" she smiles kindly at us and leaves. I look at her, she was in a hospital gown. "Here" I take off my shirt, her gaze falls on my chest.

"Go change" I chuckle and wink at her, she blushes and grabs my shirt before scurrying to the bathroom. My wolf growls at the thought of her hiding her body from us, she shouldn't have to hid.

When she emerges I can't help but stare at her long legs. She seemed 5'5, and her brown eyes looked like a warm chocolate. Standing up I strode her, gripping her waist I slammed her to my chest.

"I love you in my clothes" I growl softly in her ear, I felt her shudder. "Let's get you home, I don't think I like all the male stares you'll be getting" I say possessively. She giggles and I take her hand and lead her from the room.

"And this is the backyard" I finish off our tour with my favorite place. Her brows furrowed while she watched he pack members scurry across the lawn and setting up tables and chairs, or hanging pixie lights.

"Yo Matt!" I call my Uncle over, his jogs over to us. His eyes widen when they fall on Winter, "what's going on?" I ask "your stupid Uncle is having a BBQ" he growls angrily. "And I have to help set up" he spits.

"This is my Winter" I smile proudly and wrap a protective arm around my waist. "I'm Matt, the favorite Uncle" he boasts "YEAH RIGHT! Chase and Logan yell from across the yard.

"Nice to meet you" my mate giggles and leans into my side. She extends her hand and he shakes it, he frowns when he notices the burns. "May I?" He asks while holding her wrist gently.

She looks at me, I give her an encouraging smile. "Sure" she smiles gently. His fingers prod her wounds gently. "I suggest you ice them, it will soothe the ache" he advises and drops her hand.

"Thank you!" She calls as he jogs back over to help. He waves and I grin "now you see why he's the favorite" I whisper to her making her giggle. "I think you had enough for one day" I comment when she yawns.

"Ok" she yawns her eyes drooping even more, chuckling I gather her in my arms and carry her to my house. "Who's that?" My mom asks stand in my doorway as I watch her sleep. "My mate" I grin at her, tears spring in her eyes.

Kissing her forehead I get off the bed and walk towards my mom and gently closed the door behind us. We walked into the kitchen and she poured us cups of coffee. "She's beautiful" she smile and speaks softly.

"She is" I grin at the thought of my little mate, "what's her name?" She asked while taking a sip of coffee "Winter" I sigh dreamily. "When will I meet her?" Mom asked excitedly.

"At the pack BBQ" I gulp the rest of my coffee. Her eye brows furrow, "what BBQ?" She's asks confused. "Uncle Cal announced we were having one" I frown just as confused.

"Honey all I know is they are bringing out the Goddess to kill her" Mom says while frowning. I choke on air, and a dreaded feeling spelled in my stomach.

Killing of the goddess? It was a cover, my Uncle was going to kill the goddess before many pack members.

What kind of man was Uncle Caleb?

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now