Chapter 10- captured

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Rea's POV
This is it,today is the day. I know it. I can feel it. I dressed in white leggings, a maroon sweater and combat boots. I twisted my rings nervously as I waited for James to arrive. "Rea?" he called and I got up forcing a smile on my face.

"James" I said as I hugged him tightly. "What's wrong?" he asked "nothing, I miss them" I lied smoothly and he frowned. "It's never to late" he said and I let him go. "Wrong" I murmured under my breath.

"Dads on my arse again" he whined and sat on my sofa "stand up to him"'I told him "I can't" he admitted. "They have gone insane, no one can say your name" he whispered and my heart broke into two.

"It'll get better, one day we will all be together again" I promised him "promise?" he asked. "Promise" I said my voice laced with the promise. "I better go, they have trackers coming out soon" he frowned and stood up to hug me.

I hugged him back and watched him leave. Changing into Pan I walked outside and felt silver against my throat. "Come with me" he growled in my ear. I obeyed and he knocked me over the head, the world went back.

Caleb's POV
I watched James leave "now" I told the warrior/tracker and he bolted silently from my office after James. I sat back in my chair grinning, that Goddess was mine! My wife and mate walked in "why?" Maria asked and sat down on my lap, "they are dangerous" I growled.

"Maybe, maybe not" she sang and left the room leaving me confused. I pondered the thought for a moment. Nah, they are all trying to prevent natural instinct.

"Alpha" the tracker burst through the door "she's been captured" he grinned and so did I. "Good, you can do what you like with her" I told him gruffly. "Thank you Alpha I will not disappoint" he smiled and rushed off.

I chuckled darkly. Finally that Goddess has been capture.

And I have no intent on letting her go.

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now