Chapter 11- blind

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Rea's POV
My head throbbed in pain, my eyes fluttered open. Looking around I saw I was chained to a wall with silver cuffs, my wings folded into my back. I struggled against them and hissed when they burned my skin. "Not so superior now, Goddess" a voice spat and I froze.

I've been captured.

I slumped in defeat, I know my fate.

"I could give you a quick,easy, and painless death" the voice cooed in my ear "but where's the fun in that" he lifted my face up and slapped me hard. I spit out blood on the floor, "take her to the other room" he demanded and a chill ran down my spine.

I have a feeling about this other room.

I went was over the head again and it was black.

I woke up and opened my eyes, I could see anything! I started panicking, my breath coming in short pants.

I'm blind.

"Take her to the cells" the same voice barked and I was lifted from the table and thrown harshly into my cell. "Welcome to hell" the voice chuckled and I screamed in pain as he whipped my back.

James's POV
Knocking on my Aunts door I waited, when she didn't come I kicked the door in. Her scent was faint, no! Tears ran down my face I failed to protect her. I ran back home to find my dad "Dad, my friend is gone" I said my voice thick. "Don't worry maybe she left for something and she'll be back soon" he chuckled and patted my shoulder.

"Dad do you miss her?" I asked and he stiffened "don't speak about her" he growled. "And why not?! You all act like she is a virus! You can't even say her name" I screamed at him. Fury burned in his eyes "we do not speak of her" he repeated. "Realene" I said "Realene -Ariana- f*cking -Walker" I said proudly.

He looked taken back by my courage, it felt good to take that off my chest. I smirked and marched up to my room.

Reed's POV
I woke up with my arm wrapped around Ava, she was asleep wearing my black polo and boxers. My Dad was excited to meet her and welcome her into our house. "Morning" I whispered in her ear and she smiled and turned to face me, "it is now" she giggled and got up.

"Rise and shine, we have to get my stuff" she chirped. So my mate is a morning person. 'Just like her' Blaze thought and I frowned. "I'm up" I chuckled and she blushed seeing my eight pack, I wiggled my eyebrows at her "I'm all yours" I smirked.

A sinking feeling settled in my stomach but I brushed it off. Ava dressed and fixed her hair while I showered and dressed. I heard a crash downstairs and we both raced down the stairs. My father was holding the counter a glass cup shattered on the floor.

"Dad what's wrong" I asked cautiously stepping around the glass as I made my way to him. "I went blind for about ten seconds" he replied dazed. Blind?

"Dad what are you talking about?" I asked laying a hand on his shoulder. His eyes met mine "it means there is a possibility your mom is alive" he told me, his eyes held a spark.

How could I have been so blind?!

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