Chapter 17

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James's POV

Four simple letter, so much meaning. There's good pain, and there's sad pain, and then just pain. It was all I felt, every fiber of my being was clouded with pain, but I wasn't mine. Physically I was well, no scratches and bruises, I was just peachy.

Whoever is feeling this pain is channeling it to me, but why?

Rea's POV
"Rea wake up! Please wake up" a voice sobbed, the sounded near by. My body was cold and numb, a stinging sensation all over. "Come on, please!" It sounded like a girls voice, and she sounded frantic.

"Hello?" I croaked then winced, my throat hurt like hell. "Oh thank god!" She screamed, arms went around my neck and something wet hit my shoulder. "Don't cry" I pleaded her, my voice was weak and it hurt to speak.

"We need to try and get out of here" Winter whispers to me, I gave her a weak smile even though I couldn't see. "Get out while you can, there is no saving me" I coughed harshly at the end. "No! Don't say that!" She hisses "WE are gonna get out of here, even if it the last thing we do" she says determined.

"Winter you have a full life ahead of you, don't waste it on trying to free me" I cough again, this one rib cracking. "I'm going to get us out" she says her voice full of a promise. "Don't make a pro die you can't keep" I murmur to her speaking through the pain.

"Realene we WILL get out, I just know" she says excitedly, I just nod and slump against the wall. "Next time let me go in there" she says softly, "NO" I snarl loudly. "Why not?" She snaps back at me.

"Winter there are things in there. Things you would never dream of. They hurt worse then silver and wolfs bane" I say lowly to avoid coughing again. "All these scars? Are from that, and I can't risk you going blind too" I say gently to her.

Even though I couldn't see her it didn't take a genius to know she was crying. I could smell the salt water and hear the tears hit the cell floor. In my weakened state I could faintly hear Avery in my head.

While all my other forms had weaken greatly, I knew the were no longer in my body. They had died and left my body into the world of the Moon Goddess. Avery was barely hanging on, she was close to leaving me to.

And to be honest is scared me.

She has been with me from the start, and I'll be damned if she's with me till the end.

Matt's POV
A ripping sensation made it way through my body, a groan escaped my lips and I stumbled into the counter while holding my side. My vision went black for five seconds then all the pain washed away and I could see Reed and Ava rushing towards me.

"Dad what's wrong?" Reed asked looking frazzled "I'm fine" I waved him off, in truth I was scared. What was happening to me? More importantly my mate if she was still alive. Deep within me my wolf stirred, he was angry.

And so was I.

"I will be back soon" I growl out and stalk to the door. Throwing it open I shift and run to Caleb's house. "Hey Matt- woah man calm down" Caleb frowned at my angry form. "She's alive" I snarl at him.

"Who's alive?" He asks confused by my actions. "Realene is alive" I thunder making his face go cold. "Don't say her name" he growls, my wolf wanted to submit but some,thing told me to keep going.

"Why not?" I taunt him, he glares at me. "It was her choice to jump of the damn cliff! I'm done grieving over her. She doesn't deserve our time anymore" he snarls and shoves passed me. "LIKE HELL SHE DOESNT" I roar at him my eyes black.

"STAND DOWN BETA MATT" Caleb thunders in his Alpha voice. I wasn't phased, instead I stood there no emotions on my face. "When she shows up her, I WILL make you sorry" I promise him in a deadly voice.

His eyes show fear for a second, then he stalks off. Smirking I side out the door and into the woods. My wolf howls when he catches something in the wind I don't smell.

Then I catch it.

The faintest smell of cotton candy and blue raspberry.

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now