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Ava's POV
I pulled out my black silk dress win a halter top and slip it on. My copper curls cascaded down my back. My makeup was all black based, even my lips. Black smoky eye, cat eye liner and black lips.

Reed wasn't any better, he was in all black. Black slacks, black button up and black fancy shoes. His hair styled in a quiff, the only thing noticeable was the black bags under his eyes.

We all had them.

Matt was even worse, he looked like a zombie. I guess that's what losing your mate does to you. I can't imagine what it would be like if I lost Reed.....

In a flash he was in front of me, cupping my cheek his eyes black. "You will never lose me" he growls while his breathing becomes heavier. "Hey, shhh" I cup his cheeks and rub my nose on his.

Something he loves.

He calms down and his eyes go to normal. "Come on" I peck his lips then lace our hands together. On the way out I grab my black heels and slip them on, Reed's grip becomes tighter as we near the door.

We were driving in a black Cadillac with Matt driving. Silently Reed and I slip into the back of the car. The trip was uncomfortable and awkward,Reed griped my hand tightly the whole way.

Winter used her magic to grow a big, strong, and beautiful wisteria tree by a beautiful crystal lake. But today the skies were grey, showing it was going to rain. "We're here" Matt's emotionless voice snapped us from our fog.

Giving Reed a kiss I turned and opened my door to swiftly climb from the car. Her funeral was only a family funeral. Caleb wasn't allowed but his wife and and sons were. Her grave was dug and her headstone was ready.

The head stone was a tell box with a big wolf standing tall while howling at the moon. I saw the big black coffin, my heart squeezed. Reed's hand shot out and held onto mine, right now he needed me more then ever.

Other family members were gathered around in a tight knit circle. Both Reed and Matt only wanted four people to speak, them being the first two. Winter and James being the others.

No one else knew her enough to say anything.

Matt stepped up, tears in his eyes when he stated longingly at her body. Pale and unmoving. "Realene was one of a kind, and I was stupid to reject her. For the past couples days since her passing I often wonder what it would be like if I hadn't.

Would she still be here, or would she still be abused. I guess we will never know. If I could have one more minute with her, I would tell her much much I regret rejecting her and how much I love her" Matt chokes out the last part. He turns to her coffin and places a kiss on her cheeks.

Reed squeezes my hand before walking up next to her. As soon as he left a chill swept through me, I shiver. I saw a ghostly figure standing next to Reed, ghostly sobs left her red lips.


I gasp, her icy blue eyes snap to mine.

You can see me?

Her voice was hollow and carried in the wind sending chills down my spine and goosebumps on my arms. "Yes" I murmur so no one heard me.

Ava I need your help

Her ghostly voice continued farther chilling me to the bone. "With what?" I mumble while running my hands up and down my arms. Her starts walking towards me, walking right through people even.

Gingerly she wraps one of her arms around my shoulder, surprisingly she's warm and doesn't go through me. Instantly I feel warm, "how?" I whisper to her. Reed makes his way through the crowd.

His eyes widen and he freezes entirely.

"Mom?" He whispers his eyes shining with tears.

Shhhh, I will explain later

Stiffly he walks over and hugs me to his side. "James and Winter are next" he murmurs to us and kisses my head.

Reed, Ava when this is over go to our old home

Her ghostly figure was fading. "Ok" we both whisper as she faded out. I barely remember James and Winter's speeches, all I remember is the coffin lowering into the ground.

The light pitter patter of the rain as Matt and Adam filled the grave with dirt. Reed was silent as the coffin was covered in dirt and family tossed white roses on the gave. Reed went and kiss the grave stone before we left.

The car ride was silent once again.
I had never see Reed's old house before, it was big, like a mansion. There were lights on which surprised us both. "Mom?" Reed's voice echoed throughout the house. Her ghostly figure was in front of us in a flash.

Hurry, there isn't much time

Her ghostly voice was panicked as she ushered us inside. Reed frowned and led us to the front room, she floated behind us.

Don't worry of panic, I will be right there with you

She starts making the tension in the room sky rocket.

You both are the next protectors

She breaths and starts pacing back and forth back and forth. Reed is surprisingly calm, and so am I.

This is your fate, Ava I will be inside your head. Kind of like another form but I'm your conscious.

She explains I nod, this was surprisingly easy to accept, my wolf and vampire were ready. They were strong enough to take this on.

"Mom, why are you telling us now?" Reed asks a little outraged.

I wish I could have told you sooner, but I wasn't allowed

She sighs and runs a hand through her hair. Reed nods and his hand tightens on mine. "But why NOW, after your death" he whispers trying to figure it out.

Because you hadn't mated yet, and now you have. The time is right. This is your house now Reed, I left it to you in my will. Everything you need is in this house

Her words were rushed. Reed nods and squeezes my hand, looking him in the eyes we nod. "We accept" he speaks for us both.

She smiles in a ghostly way and motions me with her pinkie.

It's time

She whispers and I stand, she puts both hands out I front of her, I mirror her actions so our palms are touching. Her lips were moving but I couldn't hear a word she was saying, there was a flash of light.

Then she was gone.

My knees wobble and Reed catches me. A burst of strength shoots through me, I feel stronger both physically and mentally. I look Reed in the eyes, he looks stronger to.

This is our fate.

This is our life.

This is our story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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