Chapter 7- last winter

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Short A/n things will start to escalade very quickly in this book. I'm sorry it it's moving to fast for you but this book will be longer then the rest.

About chapter ten things will get ugly quickly and I'm sorry there will be no pictures. My iPad has freaked out and doesn't allow them but I'm trying my best!

Thanks for your patience I know I haven't updated the fastest!
Rea's POV
I always looked over my shoulder when outside. I felt violated now, and winter is coming. I have to be ready for the worst. Pan's hair started going white, along with her wings and eyes. And the days are colder then before.

I fear this is my last winter.

Reed's POV
Uncle Caleb has everyone looking for the goddess. He says he won't rest until she's dead. I help search and trackers are going full out. Pack warrior keep close eyes out when on watch. Some times they follow people when on runs.

My father spends day and night looking for this goddess. It keeps his mind off her. I moved the gold ring on my finger feeling the comfort of her. James sneaks out less now but he has been losing sleep.

"Hey man" he yawned leaning against my door frame "sup" I monotoned "go look for your mate man, your 19!" he cheered. "She won't want someone as broken as me" I deadpanned frowning "you don't know that" he accused pointing a finger at me.

"You right" I stood up "that's my---" he yawned "go to be" I ordered him and pushed him into his room which was across from mine. Getting dressed I hopped in my car and drove to the city. "Maybe she wants someone like me" I muttered.

Rea's POV
"Realene" James voice snapped me from my thought as I sat on the couch. "Reed has gone to find his mate" he informed me. My baby boy is growing up. James looked well rested and no long supported bags under his eyes.

"That's wonderful,mane you should find yours" I scolded him "I will, when you safe" he patted my head. "I am safe" I laughed and got up "no go before your father tracks your scent" I deadpanned "right sorry" he hugged me and left.

Something had settled in the pit of my stomach. Getting up I watched the snow fall.

This will be my last winter.
Sorry for the shorty chapter I'm saving all the drama for chapter ten, and things WILL get action packed quickly.

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