Chapter 9- new chapter

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Reed's POV
I stared across the table as my mate giggled at me. "Red?" her hand waved in front of me "sorry I was distracted by you" I smirked as she blushed crimson red. "Wanna go for a walk?" I stood up and held out my hand for her. Gently she took my hand and smiled at me.

"So tell me about yourself" she giggled as our hands swung between us "I'm a cross between daemon and vampire" I chuckled. "Werewolf and vampire" she smiled and I tucked her close to my side. We talked all the while through the park, until one question came up. "Will you move in with me?" I asked her warily.

"I know it's soon but I can't bear to lose you. I've lost so many people close to me, and I don't want you to be one of them" I told her. Laying her head on my chest she said "of course" I grinned and pulled her chin so I could look into her eyes.

"Kiss me" she demanded "gladly" I growled and claimed her lips. Pulling back I rested my forehead on hers "come on it's getting late" I grinned and pulled her towards my car. "Can we come get my stuff tomorrow?" she asked in a small voice "of course Princess" I chuckled and took her hand as I drove.

This is it.

A new beginning.

A new chapter.

A new point of my life.

And I'll be damned if she gets away from me to.

His Rejected Mate #3Where stories live. Discover now