Chapter 21- the BBQ, part 2

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Matt's POV
Her body was ice cold to the touch, the blood seeping from the gashes went cold as soon as it touched the winter air that swirled around us. I was getting closer to the pack house, I could smell everyone and the food they were cooking. Just a little closer.....

"Stop" she croaks, "I want to die here" she says, we were in a clear patch of snow surrounded by trees not far from the pack house. "No don't talk like that" I plead her and lower her into the cold snow.

I lay her head on my lap, my hand finds hers and I lightly hold it. "Don't cry" she pleads me her voice getting weaker each time she speaks. A big fat tear rolls down my cheek and lands on hers.

The snow around us turning red from the blood. 'Come find me, bring your Uncles, cousins and mates if they want to see her' I link Reed to tell him, I didn't say her name. 'On our way' he responds after a minute.

"You shouldn't have done that" she coughs, more blood dribbles from her mouth. "I don't want them to remember me like this" she wheezes her air momentarily blocked by the thick blood.

'And get a pack doctor, STAT' I growl to him, "your gonna make it" I promise her, "no! Don't let me, this is my fate" her voice is a whisper and she looks even more pale and bony.

I could see the life in her blind eyes slowly fading, she was dying in my arms. "I never imagined to die like this" she jokes weakly "I wasn't going to let you rot in a cell!" I snap at her.

I hear the snapping of twigs in to my left, they were here with help. "Dad?" Reed calls emerging from the woods holding Ava's hand. "REA" James's mate sprints ahead of them all and slide on her knees to my mates side.

"Hey Wint" her head rolls to the side, everyone gathers around. "Mom?" Reed chokes out while dropping to his knees. "My baby" she tried to smile but ends up wincing. Her brother all turn their backs.

She was hard to look at, their mates crying in their chest. "Prove its you" Caleb demands, "when I die, find the golden ring" she rasps her eyes closing the slightest bit, she was fighting it to just say goodbye.

"Don't say that" Reed sobs, Ava is hugging him her face buried in his chest. James is holding Winter back, the tears are shining in his eyes. "What will that prove" he sneers, "the truth" she speaks while wincing.

Anyone could tell it hurt her to speak, the Sparks and tingles that were once strong are fading slowly. "When I die bury me under a wisteria tree in a black coffin" she coughs up more blood.

I didn't care that I was covered in her blood, all I cared about was the life slowly draining from her. "What. Will. It. Prove" Caleb ground out, she started chanting something under her breath.

From the corner if I saw Winter stiffed in James's arms. When she was done she fell totally limp, she was barely hanging on. I couldn't smell the wolf on her anymore. "I love you" I tell her, more tears streaming down my face.

"I love you too" she coughs harshly making everyone cringe. "Reed?" She rasps out "Yes Momma" he grabs her hand giving it a light squeeze. "I love you son, take care of her" she squeezes his hand.

Anyone could tell if was only a feathery touch. "I love you to mom" he sobs while clutching Ava to him. "Don't make the same mistakes I did" her voice is faint, a whisper. It was taking to much out of her to speak. Her body was Antartica cold, from the snow and blood loss.

My tears hit her pale, sunken in cheeks. I looked at the scars that marred her once flawless body. Her bones were sticking out, her once beautiful icy blue eyes were purple, green and blue.

Her curls that one bounced and looked like cotton candy were crusted and dye red with her blood. Her pearly whites her a bright red from her fresh blood she coughed. Her punk full lips were now chapped and a bright red.

I can remember her healthy and happy, looking at me with loving eyes. "Leave us" I tell her softly. The sun had set, and the full moon shone down on us. Reed kissed the back of her hand.

I lean down and press my lips on hers, giving her one last kiss. There were no sparks or tingles. Pulling back she closed her eyes and inhale deeply. Her last breath.

Everyone was silent as we watched her lips part, the breath rolling off her lips. The cloud of her last breath rose in the air and was carried off in the wind. I stood my face stoic, her body limp in my arms.

Quiet sobs left Winter, James, and Reed. Her brothers held tight onto their mates, Maris, Caleb's wife hugged her son. All of them grieving for the loss, all except Caleb. He stood there scowling like the heartless bastard he is.

I walked towards the pack house, my feet crunching in the snow. Everyone trailed after me silently.
"I'm sorry Beta Matt, there is nothing more we can" Dr. Martin says sympathetically patting my shoulder. "Thank you" my voice is thick and barely a whisper. She laid with her hands in her stomach.

A woman nurse gave her a sponge bath after she was stitched up. They blew her hair dry and put her in a long white silk ruffled dress with a sparkled too, a sweetheart neckline. Her lips were stained a bright red, silver sparkly smoky eyes and cat eye liner.

The doctors got a potion from a witch and coat the stitches in it. The potion helped close the wounds faster, and it did. She lay there still and pale. Standing up from the chair I kiss her forehead and walk from the morgue.

I nod at Reed who stands holding Ava's hands walks into the room with her.

When I die, find the golden ring

The words echo in my head. I freeze, the golden ring. I turn on my heel and bolt back into the room. There on her right ring finger was a golden ring, glittering in the light. The one thing I hadn't noticed before.

I ignore the stares of Reed and Ava, I take her hand and slip off her ring, mine grows warm and starts buzzing. "Follow me, you can come back when this is over" I tell him speaking without emotion.

We walk at a brisk pace to Caleb's office where all her brothers are sitting looking solemn. "Take off your rings" I demand and place the two rings on the office table. The brothers take off their rings and place them in a line.

The rings shook and reordered themselves. But there were rings missing. "Get your sons in here" I bark and they nod. Reed comes forward and places his ring on the table, the thundering sound of foot steps neared us.

I talked my foot impatiently.

They burst into the office panting and place their rings on the table. Once again they shook and reordered themselves. A burst of brightness came over us and the letters shown spelling out.....


When the brightness settled I felt different, older even. "Dad you look old" Titus chimes looking at his father. It was true, his hair looked grey. Everyone's did. But no one was able to explain it.

Caleb didn't change, he looked the same. "Dismissed" I wave everyone off and walk from the room. This was how it's going to be, my life has no point anymore. The love of my life died in my arms.

The only thing keeping my alive is my son, my one and only son.
Rea's dress! 

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