Stay Sharp

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*y/ns POV*


I roll over and almost punch my alarm clock. 6am. Way too early for this. I walk into the kitchen to get something to eat before I suit up. I walk in and its only Wanda. I avoid eye contact with her. It looks like she is about to say something but Steve bursts in. "Who's ready for our mission!" Steve says excitedly.

"Steve it's 6 am, how about dialing your energy down yeah?" Wanda says with a wink. Steve rolls his eyes and I let out a small chuckle. Nat then walks into the kitchen already suited up. " you scrub up well romanoff" I tease. "I doubt I will be able to say the same about you when you suit up stark" Nat jokes. I give her a playful punch and we both start laughing. I look up and Wanda has left the room already. I didn't even hear her leave.

I go to my room to get ready. I look in my closet at my suit. It's amazing. Made from vibranium, has my signature colours (black and white) and as I try it on I see that it does complent my body.

I look at the time and make my way out of my room. I lock my door and when I turn around I see Wanda leaving her room. We both walked to the quinjet side by side but in silence. It was so awkward but I'm not talking to her. If she wants to apologise she can but until then I won't open my mouth.

I make my way into the jet and sit beside Nat. The whole journey, we spent our time cracking jokes and listening to music. It calmed me down as I was nervous about my first mission.

The jet landed and Steve stood in front of us all. " heads up, remain strong and stay sharp, got it?" Steve questioned. "so don't die?" I ask laughing. "you catch on quick stark" Nat says and we all laugh.

We make our way onto the hydra base we have to take care of. We were put into teams. Me, Steve and Nat. Clint, Wanda and Bruce. My dad, thor and Peter.

While Steve and Nat were collecting data in a room I was fighting off hydra guards. My powers were too much for them to handle and this was easy to me. I look over to my left and I see Wanda surrounded by like 30 guards. Too many. She looked defeated. I make my way over and blast some away. Now with the attention on me, I lift them to the air and throw them to the back of me. I look at Wanda with sympathy and I reach out my hand for her to grab. She takes it and I pull her up.

"uh thank you" Wanda said quietly

"no problem, but next time I won't be here, so you will just have to suck it up" I say while letting out a small laugh. Wanda smiles and rolls her eyes. Maybe things didn't have to be so hard.

*Wandas POV*

Y/n helped me. After what I did she still helped me. Maybe she isn't so bad after all. Seeing her smile at me made my stomach feel all weird. Why did that happen? I have never felt that before. Maybe I am just tired. I must talk to her when we get home. To say sorry.

She walks away from me and I turn to get back to the fight when I feel a big bang on the side of my head then all I see is black.....

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