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"y/ns POV *

As the sun peaked through the curtains and woke me up I felt Wanda on my chest. Her hair was messy and she was curled up to me. She looked perfect. I admired her for a few minutes.

" it's weird to stare at people sleeping my love"

"I guess I couldn't help myself princess"

She looks up at me and smiles. She then places a small kiss on my lips. We were interrupted by a knock on the door.


Me and Wanda jump and look at each other. Sure everyone knew about us but this would be awkward.

"who is it?" I asked

"it's Nat let me in"

Me and Wanda share a look. Nat would never let us live it down. Wanda quickly hides under the covers and I throw a few pillows on top of her too.

"uhh sure come in"

Nat walks in and stands at the door.

"training is at 5 today, I can't do it at 6 like usual."

"that's no problem. You got plans?"

"I've got a date"

"who is this unlucky soul"

"he is privileged to be taking me out and its Steve"

"Steve?! Omg how cute Nat. This is great."

"yeah don't make it a big deal. I'll see you at training. Bye y/n. Bye Wanda"

My mouth drops.

"bye nat" Wanda says embarrassed

Nat winks and leaves the room.

Wanda quickly gets out from under the covers.

"looks like we got caught princess" I said.

"of coarse nat was the one to find out" she rolled her eyes playfully

We both laughed.

"you owe me a cooking lesson if I remember correctly?"

"wait you really want to?" she asks almost childlike.

"of coarse princess. I wanna spend time with you doing something you love"

"oh I can't wait. Pietro never wanted to cook with me. This will be fun I promise"

"I have no doubt about it"

Y/n kisses Wanda softly on the lips.

"let's go then" I whisper

Wanda grins widely and takes my hand and we walk to the kitchen together.

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