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*nobodys POV *

The dinner came to an end and y/n and Wanda said they would clean up. All the team left the kitchen leaving the two girls alone.

Y/n:"we always seem to end up in the kitchen huh?"

Wanda :" well do you have a problem with being with me.... In the kitchen.... Alone" she walked closer between each word.

Y/n:" there is no where else I would rather be maximoff "

The girls were now only inches apart. A single breath would bring them closer with a chest rising. They both lean into one another and kiss softly.

"I knew it! Steve owes me 50 bucks"

The two girls jump at the voice that echoed through the room. Nat.

Y/n and Wanda :" you can't say anything". They share a look.

Wanda:" Wanda wants to keep this low key Nat"

Nat:"don't worry my lips are sealed. I'm so happy for you guys, you are cute together. Now if you'll excuse me, I have 50 bucks to collect."

Wanda:" make sure Steve stays quiet too please"

Nat:"of course" she shouts as she walks down the hall.

Wanda:"I hate making you hide with me."

Y/n:"Wanda listen. If you wanna be with bucky do it. I will understand. Being with me isn't easy, being with bucky is." she said with a sad look.

Wanda moves closer to y/n and grabs her hands and holds them in hers.

Wanda:"I don't want easy y/n. I want you"

Y/n:" then I'm yours" she leans in and kisses Wanda.

They break away from one another after a few minutes.

Wanda :" come on let's clean up here so we can go back to the room" she smiles.

Y/n:"let's do this"

After a half hour the girls were finished and were non the way back to Wandas room. Y/n looks outside and sees that the sun is setting.

Y/n:"I have an idea"


Y/n:"stay here"

Y/n leaves Wanda in the hall and goes into her own room. She collects blankets and pillows and returns to Wanda.

Wanda:"what's all that"

Y/n:"shhh you will see princess"

Wanda :"princess.... I like it"

Y/n winks at Wanda and grabs her hand. She pulls her in the direction of the roof. Y/n places the blankets and pillow on the ground and sits down. She lies down and pats the place beside her gesturing for Wanda to join her. Wanda walks over and lies down.

Y/n:" I thought we could watch the sunset together"

Wanda:" who knew stark was such a romantic" she teased.

Y/n:"only for you Wanda maximoff" she smiled widely.

Wanda smiled back biting her lip.

Wanda:"it's beautiful"

Y/n:"I know right? Whenever I feel overwhelmed I come up here"

Wanda:"I can see why it's so peaceful. Whenever I have a panic attack I go to this little place in that forest over there. It helps."

Y/n:"you have panic attacks? How long has it been going on?"

Wanda:"since pietro passed. I miss him every day. He would always know what to do when I get nervous."

Y/n:" oh I'm so sorry" she embraces Wanda in a hug

Wanda:"I have never told anyone about my attacks.... Until now"

Y/n:" I'm so glad you told me. I wanna be there for you and help you through this. I wanna be there for you like pietro. Well only if you let me?"

Wanda :" I would love that"

They share a kiss and lie down faced up to the sky. The spend the rest of the evening admiring the sunset.

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