Split Up

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*wandas POV*

My ears were ringing and my while body was in pain as I lied on the ground surrounded by the injured bodies of my team. I search around for the only one who mattered to me. Y/n was no where to be found. Where is she?. I can barely move  it feels like all my bones are broken. I gather up the strength to stand up then I see y/n get dragged out by these guards. There seems to be a symbol on their sleeves. Hydra....

I call out her name but all that left my mouth was a whisper. Y/ns unconscious and lifeless body was in some man's hands. What are they gonna do with her.?

I try with everything in me to stand up. I try and follow them but I ament fast enough. I am limping as fast as I can but It isn't enough. I make it to the door of the compound where I see the guards put y/n into a jet and fly away. I am useless. My powers aren't working I am in too much pain. I try one last time to call out for her but only a breathless whimper escapes my lips. I've lost her. I collapse to the ground in pain and grief. My eyes get heavy and I feel myself lose consciousness.

*Nats POV*

My head is in so much pain along with the rest of my body. I look around at my defeated team. What happened?

I nudge everyone around me to wake up. They all start to open their eyes and adjust to what happened. We are all injured. I look around to do a head count and there are 2 people missing.

Nat:"anyone see y/n or Wanda?"

Everyone shakes their head and begins to panic.

Steve:" everyone split up and look for them"

Everyone begins the search for our 2 girls.

*nobody's POV*

As everyone went their separate ways Peter decided to check outside. As he slowly approached the door he came across wandas weak body on the floor.


Everyone rushes to the front door to meet Peter holding Wanda bridal style.

Tony:"Peter bring her to medbay. Me and Bruce will take care of her. Everyone else keep looking for my daughter. Please" his tone was desperate and heartbreaking.

Thor:" of coarse Tony."

Peter lays wandas body on a bed and Tony and Bruce surround her. They quickly perform surgery and she is placed in care for the night. Peter stays by her side the entire time. Wandas eyes begin to stir and open.

Wanda :"Peter?"

Peter:"Wanda! You're okay!"

Wanda:"I lost her"

Peter:" what do you mean."

Wanda:"y/n.... I saw hydra take her and I couldn't do anything. I was too weak."

Peter :" it's not your fault Wanda, we will find her don't worry"

Wanda breaks down in tears and Peter comforts her with a hug. Wanda hurries her face into his neck wishing it was y/n in his place.

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