How About Those Words?

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*nobody's POV"

Y/n:" are you sure wanda?"

Wanda:"I want you"

Y/n kissed wanda with heat and passion. With y/n hovering over Wanda, she began kissing along her jawline and then moved to her ear.

Y/n:"you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this" she whispered as she unbuttoned wandas shirt.

The shirt opened showing off wandas red lace bra. Y/n quickly unhooks the bra revealing wandas perky breasts. Y/n wastes no time and sucks on her nipple. Wanda let's out a small moan and y/n smirks.

Y/n:"you like that princess? "

Wanda nodded.

Y/n :"nope use your words"  and stops what she is doing.

Wanda sits up and comes eye to eye with y/n

Wanda :"just shut up and fuck me, how about those words?"

Without hesitation y/n pulled off wandas pants leaving her in her panties. She slowly takes off wandas underwear with her teeth.

Y/n then places her mouth over wandas clit and licking it gently. Wandas breathing starts to hitch. Y/n started at a slow pace then gradually gained speed. Wanda tried to suppress her moan but y/n spoke up 

Y/n:"let me hear those beautiful moans of yours princess"

Y/n then licks wandas clit fast causing Wanda to release with a loud moan.

Wanda:"y/n!" she moaned.

Y/n then kisses up along her stomach and kisses her on the lips so she can taste herself. Wanda smirks into y/ns mouth. Y/n then traces her fingers down wandas body without breaking their kiss. She then inserts 2 fingers into Wanda and slowly pumps into her.

Wanda gasped and y/n took the opportunity to stick her tongue in wandas mouth.

She pumped her fingers harder and harder sensing Wanda was in the edge of another orgasm.

Wanda:"y/n I'm gonna-I'm gonna" she says breathlessly and moans into y/ns mouth after cumming on y/ns fingers.

Y/n slowly brings her fingers to her mouth and is about to clean them off until Wanda grabs her hands and cleans them off instead.

Y/n:"you are so sexy miss maximoff "

Wanda:"that was amazing"

Y/n:"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it" she winked.

The two girls then cuddle up to each other in the bed and fall asleep.

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