That's Exactly What This Is

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*nobody's POV*

After about 2 hours of driving and jamming out to music, the girls arrive at the restaurant. Y/n gets out of the car and goes to the opposite side to open the door for Wanda.

Wanda :"you don't have to do this"

Y/n:"oh but I do. You deserve the best Princess."

A smile creeps up on wandas face as they make their way inside.

Wanda:"wow this place is really nice"

The two sit down across from one another. They spend the night talking and laughing. They traded stories of their childhood and bonded over their love for reading. After 2 hours of non stop chat, y/n payed for the meal and they made their way outside.

Wanda:"that was amazing y/n, thank you"

Y/n:" no problem but the night isn't over yet" she winks

Wanda looks confused as y/n uses her powers to teleport them to the carnival.

Wanda:"a carnival!?. I have never been. OMG thank you so much y/n" . She leaps into y/ns arms. The girls share a soft hug and y/n grabs wandas hand and pulls her towards the rides. They spend hours going on rides and eating junk food. The sky was turning dark and the girls lined up for one more ride. The ferris wheel.

Wanda:"this is so cool. I have never been on one of these"

Y/n:" well I am happy to be your first princess"

They share a sweet kiss.


The girls get onto there carriage and they start to rise into the air. They stop at the top and are met with an amazing view.

Wanda :" can I ask you something" she says nervously

Y/n:"uh oh" she jokes. "I'm kidding go ahead"

Wanda :" okay so I really like you y/n. Like a lot. And I just wanted to know if you would maybe wanna be my girlfriend. I get it if you don't honestly-"

Y/n:"I cannot believe this"

Wanda :" what i"

Y/n :" I was gonna ask you that question tonight"

The two girls erupt in laughter.

Y/n:" great minds think alike I guess" she smiles at wanda

Wanda:"soooo is that a yes?"

Y/n:"of coarse its a yes Wanda."

They smile widely at each other and share a deep and meaningful kiss. Nothing else mattered at that point in time. Only each other.

The ride came to a stop and y/n teleported them back to the car.

Wanda:"I'm driving" she grabs the keys out of y/ns hands

Y/n :" do I get a say in this?"


Y/n:"alright then. Just don't kill us princess"

They both get in the car and Wanda peacefully drives them home. They get out of the car and make their way upstairs hand in hand. They walk into the living area and are met with the rest of the team.

Tony:"well what do we have here?" he smirks

Wanda:"well what does it look like?"

Nat:"it looks like 2 of my friends are really happy together" she smiles.

Y/n:" and that's exactly what this is" she looks into wandas eyes and smiles.

Thor:" I'm happy for you guys"

Peter:" so I guess it's a no for bucky huh Wanda?"

Everyone starts to laugh. Things were perfect. A little too perfect for the avengers. Then it happened. The explosion.

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