Season 3: Trailer

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They are back

Christen, Michelle, Isabella and the twins grinned at each other as they passed the camera, making their way on the sage where people were chanting their names.

Once again

Isabella's eyes glowed as the stage light hit her face, a huge smile on her face as she performed infront of people.

With another season

Michelle cruised around the backstage area in a small trike that she found. She passed by Christen who grabbed a pillow and threw it at her, hitting her head.

"Ouch!! What was that for?"

"Stop stealing the twins' toys!"

"Yes boss."

But this season,

Mitch, Isabella and Christen were on the field, kicking the ball to each other, making sure to occasionally pass it to one of the twins, who would let out a loud squeal and run to the goal post with the ball on their feet.

They watched as Aquila passed it to Diana and she kicked it to the net. They all cheered and Diana and Aquila looked at them proudly.

It's tour time!!!


The crowd cheered as the camera panned over to them, the lights on their phones acting like stars as they screamed and jumped with the music.

Watch them go through tour life

"I swear to god Jade, if you do not get your foot out of my face, I will shove it up your arse."

While handling their personal problems

"I don't think I could do this anymore Mom, not again."

Michelle hugged her eldest daughter, trying to stop herself from crying.

"Shhhh, I know babes. I know."

As a family

It was their annual family picture taking. They were all dressed in formal wear, Isabella and Christen both wearing Suits, Isabella is a white one with a black tank top inside, while Christen wore a black one wearing nothing inside, the only thing covering her nips were the flaps of the suit, which was buttoned up (much to Michelle's dismay)

Michelle and the twins on the other hand, we wearing dresses. The twins were wearing white dresses, both of which is very similar in design, while Michelle rocked a tight black dress, one that hugged her curved perfectly, showing off her beautiful body.

"Let's hope this doesn't end like last time."

Christen chuckled and nodded her head, while fixing some of Aquila's curled that accidentally went on her eye.

"Third time's a charm."

They were doing the photoshoot at home this time instead of a studio in hopes that it would be better.

"Okay everyone, smile."

They all looked at the camera and smiled, waiting for the photographer to take a picture. Everything was going fine until....

Just as the flash was about to go off, Bambi somehow got out of the playpen, rushed out to the living room where they were having the shoot, ran through the staff (one of which was holding a slushie which she accidentally threw and it went on the twin's white dresses) and Bambi jumped on the couple.

The flash went off capturing the chaos in front of them.

The twins laughing, their dresses that used to be white, now red as they are drenched from head to toe (but they had smiles on their faces which was a first). Isabella was bent down, trying to get the cup that fell but Mitch, who was trying to get Bambi, accidentally stepped on her dress causing her to face plant on the ground and Michelle's face was comical, as she tried to get the dog. The only one smiling at the camera was Christen.

"Christen, whatever charm you have, I don't want it."

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