S01 E04 - Makeups and Deep Dish Pizza

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The plane just landed in Chicago and Isabella was just not feeling it and everyone could sense it with the unusual vibe that she puts out. Michelle pulled her daughter to the side, giving Christen a reassuring look in the process to silently tell her that she had this the giving Harold a look, telling him that this would not be a part of the tv show. He gave him a nod and followed Christen inside the bus instead.

"Hey, is something wrong?"

Isabella sighed and leaned her head on the wall, closing her eyes.

"I don't know honestly, I'm just scared I guess that Dinah wouldn't come through again."

Michelle gave her daughter a sympathetic look and rested her hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort the 16-year-old. 

"Hey, you're the one who told me to give her another chance, plus I know she would be here. She cares about you as much as you care for her."

Isabella nodded her head and gave her mom a hug before they walked back to the bus. She gave Christen a reassuring smile, the same reassurance Mitch gave her a few minutes ago and went to the back of the bus where she sat with Sam. Michelle took her seat beside Christen, putting Aquila on her lap, and allowed her to go back to playing with her pacifier.

"Is she and Dinah okay?"

"They're fine, Dinah just needs to get her head out of her ass or I swear to everything holy, I would do it for her."


"Are you okay Isabella?"

Isabella's head snapped up to the camera, Harold's voice seeming to bring her out of her thoughts. She hummed and nodded.

"Yeah, don't worry I'm fine. Everything will be fine." She said, trying to sound convincing, but it only sounded like she was trying to convince herself.


Sam looked up when she noticed Isabella sitting beside her.

"You and your mom okay? Is there a problem."

Isabella hummed and nodded her head, leaning sidewards to lean of the tall woman.

"Everything is just peachy."

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Arriving on the pitch, Isabella easily put her game face on, deciding on just concentrating on training to keep her mind off of the blonde Polynesian. 

Later that day, she went to bed with her phone on silent since it has been pinging nonstop the whole day, not looking at it knowing it was Dinah trying to talk to her, her last text was this morning and it was 'I would only start talking to you again when you start keeping your promises.' and not waiting for a reply after hitting send.


"Promises are important to me. You promise me something and you better come through with it. Why even promise something when you aren't even sure that you could do it? I think it's stupid and people should take their empty promises and shove it up their asses cause I ain't got time for any of your bullshit, ya know?"

The crew looked at each other, confused at what is happening.

"Uh... mind giving us some context?"

"Emily promised to buy me deep-dish pizza and the bitch had the audacity to say she was 'busy' like the fuck? We literally have the same schedule, what else is she busy about?"

Technically it wasn't a lie. That really did happen but she wasn't pissed about that, she couldn't care less about the fucking pizza, she wanted the girl who means a lot to her to support her like she promised she would.


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It's their game against the Republic of Ireland and Isabella would be coming in the second half again. She sat on the bench with the twins, watching the warms up since she had already done it earlier. Leaning on the pole beside her, she was brought out of her thoughts by her phone vibrating, only to see it was Dinah and she hesitantly picked it up.


"Look behind you."

Isabella's head whipped backward and there stood Dinah, with a ball cap, sunglasses, and a fake mustache on. Despite still being a little pissed, Isabella couldn't help but smile at the blonde girl in front of her.

"You're here, you actually came."

"Of course I did, I promised."

"You look ugly with that mustache by the way."

"Shut up dude, I look fabulous ."

Isabella giggled and shook her head, not breaking eye contact.

"I'm still mad at you though."

"I know, so let me make it up to you? I know this restaurant down the street that sells fire deep dish pizzas and I know you have always wanted to try it."

"As long as you pay."



Isabella grinned at the camera, trying to cover her blush.

"So I got to finally eat deep-dish pizza and 10 out of 10, would recommend."

"Emily finally bought it for you?"

Isabella froze, suddenly just remembering what she said at the earlier interview about the whole Emily situation.

"Not really, I am an independent woman. I could buy my own pizza."

She did not buy her own pizza that day.


Arriving back at the hotel that day, after spending the whole afternoon with Dinah, everyone could clearly see the change of mood on the teenager's face as she bounced in the video room, a bounce of her step that she didn't have the past few days.

She plopped herself down beside Christen and Rose, getting ready to watch back on their match earlier. The younglings eyed her suspiciously while her mothers just gave each other a look.

Michelle leaned in, closer to Isabella her body going over Christen's but she didn't mind cause she wasn't in the mood to repeat what she was going to say to their daughter anyway.

"So, I'm guessing by the sudden smile and quirky behavior, it means that I don't have to help you hide a body?"

With that question, she was immediately smacked by her wife.

"There would be no killing, not on my watch... maybe kidnapping but never killing."

"Ooooohhh the Press Mafia. I like the sound of that."

"Mom, no."

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A/N: I apologize for it being short, I am stuck on babysitting duty since it's my cousin's 1st birthday and I seem to only be the one who could make the other cousins sleep and be calm hence why they call me the "baby whisperer" since babies seem to love me. I am going to be surrounded by a shit load of babies (literally and figuratively) and I wanted to update today so I whipped something out. 

Also decided to dedicate this to Isabella and Dinah because I don't like them fighting.

Anyway, longer update tomorrow lol. 

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