S06 E03.5: PRESS conference

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Michelle easily parked her car at one of the reserved spots for her in the hospital and easily slid out of her car. She just came from dropping Christen and Theo off at the field after they came and got Mikha from their hotel. 

She quickly sent Direk Lauren a text telling him where Mikha was, making sure their manager knew that she was safe. Mikha only told Direk where she was, but didn't inform the girls where she was going, not wanting them to know the relations she had with the Press family without their permission. Mitch and Christen didn't mind, but she and Isabella were protecting each other (and the youngest Lim wanted to gatekeep her 'soulmate' from them because she knew how the girls were and they would not really be able to spend time alone if ever).

The current President of the Hospital walked into the building, giving a nod to the security guards who happily opened the door for her. She was already wearing her lab coat, her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, and her hands in her pocket. 

Michelle entered her old office and smiled at Yang when she saw that the older woman was already there and looking through some of the documents on her table. She was there to help move some of her stuff to her new office so Cristina could fully move in before they had the press conference this afternoon. 

"Are you ready for the Press conference?" Mitch asked as she started walking closer, her hand going to one of the boxes that were already there. 

Yang looked up and chuckled. "Yes, I am so ready to kick you out of this hospital."

Michelle laughed and shook her head. "In your dreams, Yang. I'm just gonna be gone a while, but Imma be back."

The new Chief of Surgery laughed and returned the documents in the box before sealing it up. 

"You really going to keep the family picture here?" Mitch pointed towards the huge Press family portrait, where Cristina made a few modifications by adding a cut-out of herself at the corner.

Lexie and Merideth both saw what Yang did and decided that they were going to add themselves as well so they moved Cristina far closer and have been taking pictures to try and make themselves fit in the portrait as well.

"Yeah, I'm part of the family." Both of them started walking out and down the hallway. Michelle just nodded her head, laughing, as she accepted the fact that they had basically adopted everyone at this point.

Michelle's PAs saw them so the 3 of them started walking behind both Yang and Press all of them on different phone calls while Michelle and Cristina were both just walking ahead. "When are you going to start rehearsals?"

"Concert is this Friday," Mitch mumbled in thought before looking back, catching Steph's attention. "When is the studio free again?"

"Iz is using it on Wednesday but you could start tomorrow," Steph said while pulling the phone away from her ear. "And the meeting with Director Lauren is right after this Press Conference. Do you want to drive over there or..."

"Could you ask him to just drive over here if he could and then make sure that Conference 3 is available this afternoon? We could just have the meeting there. I have a patient at around 2 and I don't think I could leave the hospital." 

Her PA nodded in understanding before going back to the phone call she was on, leaving the Doctors back to what they were both talking about. "I also have a few surgeries next week that I might just have to hand over to you because I'm doing something the whole week," Mitch informed the new Chief of Surgery as they entered the new office. "I'll see though, hopefully, I could sneak some in."

Having to hand over some of her doctoral duties to Cristina made so much more room for Michelle to finally do some of the things that she had always wanted to do, projects she wanted to take, and even concerts she had always wanted to be a part of. Being a doctor took the majority of her time since aside from being the Chief of Surgery, the hospital was still establishing itself and they really didn't have enough surgeons on duty yet so she had to take a lot of patients. 

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