S05 E21: Another Trip Around The Sun

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March 15, 2027

Another year had passed in the life of Isabella Blaire Press and it was now just hitting her that she is officially in her 20s. She was excited though since she's one year away from being able to legally enter clubs and bars.

The past few days had been kind of awkward since Izzy insisted on helping her make a tinder profile and trying to set her up on dates, leaving the soccer player confused. Mostly because she didn't remember downloading the app, and this happened after the woman said that she might have feelings for her too but she seems to like it's not affecting her when she looks at a person that Isabella might like and swiped right.

An example of it is right now.

They were in the living room of her great grandparent's house and Izzy looked at the phone intently as she swiped through the women on the screen, most of their pictures being swiped left.

"She doesn't look like she would fit you."

Caitlin and Bella shared a look, confused at the sudden urge to find Bella a partner, before the blonde actress sat beside Bella, slightly pulling her away so that she could whisper to the younger girl.

"What happened between you two? I thought she said she liked you too?"

Bella shrugged and glanced at Izzy, before looking back at Caitlin. "I have no idea. I honestly didn't expect anything to happen and I sure as hell didn't expect her to react this way."

"Has she lost her mind? She's basically giving you to other people."

"At least we know she's okay with me dating other people?"

"Y'all are not even dating, of course, it's okay for you to date other people. She can't expect you to wait around for her forever, but to basically give you away like this? What the fuck?"

Bella furrowed her eyebrows in thought, but then Izzy jumped up from her seat and showed Bella a picture of a beautiful blonde. She was going on and on about how they had so many things in common but she shook her head and grabbed her phone, deleting her profile and the app altogether. 

She looked up to see Izzy pouting. "Too much?"

Bella grinned and nodded her head. "Kinda."

"I just, I want you to go out and date other people because I can't give you what you want me to give you."

The birthday girl shook her head and gave her a reassuring smile. She held Izzy's hand and looked her in the eye. "First of all, I didn't expect anything to happen between the both of us when I confessed, I just wanted to tell you how I felt, truly. Second, I don't need help finding a date, I am fully capable of finding one on my own. Okay? You don't have to worry about all of that, it's not your responsibility."


"No." Bella cut her off, knowing what she would say. "You have to calm your tits and let me handle this. You're acting like I can't find a date on my own."

Caitlin scoffed from where she was sitting, not even looking up from her phone when she said "The other people would ask her first before she could even ask them." making Bella chuckle because she knows it was kinda true. 

Rihanna did have a list of possible candidates for her. Maybe she did want to take a look at that.

Noticing all the ruckus in the kitchen, Isabella excused herself and stood up to help around for a little bit. Caitlin and Isabelle stook around in the living room, helping set some of the things up when the blonde-haired girl gave her best friend a look.

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