S04 E12: First Week in London and Moving in

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They all woke up at 7 am the next day, with Paige on the driver's side, Isabella on the passenger's and the rest of the family at the back, they were all silent as they made their way to the airport. You could see the tears about to fall from Michelle's eyes at the meer thought of leaving Isabella alone for 2 months.


"I don't know what to say..."

Christen reached over and gave her wife's hand a squeeze as she tried stopping the tears that were about to fall.

"Isabella and I haven't been apart for that long. 2 months. I know we're going to send her off to college so we'll see each other before then but we haven't left each other's side ever since she was born. The longest we had been apart was a week and those were 7 dreadful days. This is going to be 61 days and I- I don't know. I guess it's just hard for me to accept the fact that she is growing up and I have to let her go."

Michelle sniffled and wiped her eyes.

"She's my baby and will always be my baby."


Isabella cleared her throat as she watched her Moms and her sisters start walking towards their private jet. The married couple turned around and opened their arms, letting Isabella crash into them and pulling her into this big family group hug.

"I-I'm gonna miss you guys so much. Mom, please don't do anything stupid.'

"When have I done anything stupid?"

Christen and Isabella gave her a look, even Aquila and Diana were looking at their mother weirdly.

"Okay fine but enough about me.'

She turned to her eldest daughter, trying not to burst into tears again as she kissed her forehead.

"Take care of yourself my love. If you ever miss us, you know the jet is always there for you."

Isabella chuckled and nodded her head. She kissed Aquila and Diana's cheeks, the twins smiling at their sister.

They knew what was happening, they knew that they woudln't be able to see their Ate for a long time cause they knew they had to do this for Michelle's work. Were they sad about it? Yes. But they are smart kids. They knew they were going to see their older sister in a month tops because theu were just that clingy to one another.

So instead of voicing out thier sadness, they gave Isabella a huge smile and kissed her on the cheeks as well.

"We'll see you soon Ate."

"Yeah, and when we come back, you're buying us ice cream."

Chuckling at Diana's demand, Isabella tilted her head and nodded, giving her sisters one last smile.

"I will be buying you all the ice cream in the world."

They made a sound of disapporval and shook their heads.

"No thank you. One is fine."

"Yeah, I don't want to get sick. Too much sugar is bad for you, you know."

Giving their Ate one last look (their way of telling her not to eat too kuch sweets) they hopped down from their moms and started walking towards Paige, saying goodbye to her, leaving the three alone.

Michelle looked at her daughter and her wide with a soft smile as she watched them hug each other tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you Mama."

"I'm gonna miss you too Bella. Now only your sisters are there to annoy your mother."

Isabella looked back at the twins, who were basically using Paige as a swing set, and looked back at her Mom, who was looking at her with a soft smile on her face.

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