S06 E04: Anticipation

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Waking up early has always been something Isabella is stuck with. Does she want to wake up at the crack of dawn? No. At this point, she could wake the Roosters up before they could even crow. She had this natural body clock that woke her up at around 5 in the morning, which was the opposite of the woman beside her.

Mikha is a night owl. She could stay up all night and be ready to perform even without 0 sleep. This is why she could sleep everywhere and anywhere without a problem. She was just thankful that she decided to sleep early last night (early being midnight) so that she could be energized for their practice in the morning.

Isabella glanced at Mikha, her red hair sprawled on the pillow as she clutched onto the stuffed penguin, facing the other side of the bed. She chuckled and grabbed her phone, scrolling through her emails and messages before deciding to stand up and start making breakfast.

2 people generally cooked in the Press household, Michelle and Isabella. The mother-daughter duo had this love for cooking and feeding people, though their appetites were not the biggest, they enjoyed seeing people happily eat their food. So Michelle really loved it when Isabella was home. It wasn't only her using the kitchen.

When she went out of the room, she heard a few shuffling in the kitchen, making her eyebrows furrow. She had an idea who it was, so she wasn't surprised when she saw her Mom standing there, eating an apple, wearing her workout clothes. 

"You're up early," Mitch told her eldest daughter amused. She watched Isabella drag herself to the fridge and start bringing out ingredients to make fluffy pancakes. "Good morning to you too."

She turned and gave her Mom a nod, before grabbing the milk, an egg, the butter, and vanilla extract before shutting it and grabbing the flour, baking powder, and sugar from the cupboard. "Morning."

"I'm surprised you got Mikha to sleep," Michelle chuckled, eyeing her daughter, who was busy making their breakfast. 

Isabella chuckled and shook her head. "I had to confiscate her phone when I woke up to her still watching Netflix. A grumpy well-rested Mikha is better than a grumpy not-well-rested Mikha. Either way, she will be grumpy anyway."

The older girl laughed and sat on the barstool. "She really isn't a morning person."

"You also aren't a morning person," a new person announced her presence, making Mitch and Izzy look back. They smiled at Christen, who was coming in, drinking her water. "You only wake up when I wake up."

Michelle pouted and pulled her wife closer by the waist. "Because you're warm, so when you stand up, I start feeling cold."

"Well if you only join me when I do my yoga..." Christen gave Michelle a knowing look but she just shook her head. 

"Tried that once, never doing that again. Not even my ADHD meds will help me with that."

Christen chuckled and shook her head, turning to Isabella and kissing her head, making their eldest daughter look at her with a huge smile. "Good morning, Ma."

"Oh so you smile at her but you don't smile at me?" Michelle teased making both Christen and Isabella roll their eyes. 

Christen went and tapped the back of Michelle's head as she passed, going to the twins' room to wake them up since their classes start in 3 hours and God knows how slow they are in the mornings. And how especially cranky they get when they don't eat breakfast. Michelle followed after her wife since she had to go to the hospital for some rounds and to take care of some more paperwork before heading to the studio for rehearsals, leaving Isabella in the kitchen as she finished up the pancakes.

Isabella had already made 7 pancakes when she heard heavy footsteps enter the kitchen. She looked up and chuckled at the sight. There stood Mikha Lim, her arms wrapped around herself as she looked at Isabella sleepily. 

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