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After the assembly, we went back to class. The lesson was about the human body, which disgusted me, so I pretended to be listening to the lesson when really I was just eavesdropping on Jim, Toby, and Claire. They were talking about the events that happened out in the field. I wish I could just forget all about it.

I was so helpless. It was the first time I was in a place with real-life threats. I could have been killed. Jim goes out and fights stuff like that all the time. And here I am freaking out over one single monster. Made out of mud and grass. I sounded so pathetic.

Steve raised his hand then made a stupid butt joke. Jim went to retaliate but he accidentally made a butt joke as well. "I think you're making some bad assumptions Coach." I said to myself but didn't realize the teacher actually heard me.

"That's it. You three, principals office, now!" He said. I raised a brow in confusion, wondering why he was sending me away as well. But then I realized I had said ASSumptions and he thought I was making a butt pun as well. Shit.

We all stood and left the classroom. I nervously ran my fingers through my hair as we waited in the principles office for Strickler. He entered the room with a creepy look that made me uncomfortable. "Young Atlas, getting into trouble again, I see." Stickler said as he walks over.

Steve says something but I tuned him out, not caring about what he had to say. "You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here, Strickler." Jim hissed.

"I've decided I'm not done with you. Your education has just begun." Strickler smirked.

"Oh, good. Maybe I'm a slow learner." Jim stood up from his seat. Steve and I just watched them from the sides. "Cause I can't figure out why you'd come back after I dropped a bomb all over your big parade."

Steve said something else, causing both Jim and Strickler to snap at him. "Shut up, Steve!" Then Strickler stood up. "I'm in a position to make your life truly miserable."

"I could take you out right now."

"And I could do far worse. Are you ready for that?" Strickler asked. They both glared daggers at each other.

Steve then apologized for the horrible jokes, being really confused about what was going on. "Detention. For all three of you. Now get out of my office before I change my mind."

At the word change, his eyes briefly glowed red. Jim and I took notice of that before leaving. Suddenly my phone rang. I answered it. "Anna, I need everyone at Trollmarket right away." Blinky said. Jim had his phone off, that's why Blinky had to call me.

As soon as our last class ended we went straight to the canal. Claire thought she felt something weird. We all shrugged it off and turned to open the doorway. That was when I heard it. I clanging noise, like something hitting the ground, but when I turned to look nothing was there.

"You guys hear that?" I asked, looking at the others. They didn't seem to hear me as they entered Trollmarket. I glanced around one last time before following after them.

We went to Blinky and he told us the story of Gunmar. During the talk, I thought I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look but all that was there was a human skull on the table. I shook off the weird feeling like I was being watched. I was most likely just being paranoid because of the strange sound earlier.

"Guys, we're going on our first official Trollhunters quest!" Toby exclaimed, bringing me back to the conversation.

Jim explained to me everything I missed before leaving to grab some supplies for the trip. Claire and Toby did the same. I decided to stay behind. I could always just share with Jim, plus, I don't think we'll need too much.

As I waited for them I started skimming through one of Blinky's books.

As I skimmed through the pages my eyes flickered shut then I forced them back open. I was still tired from the all-nighter. I needed to be ready for that math test tomorrow. A yawn escaped me and I closed the book before setting it back on the shelf.

"You. Tired." Argh stated. I flinched slightly, forgetting Argh was even here.

I glanced around the room. "Where did Blinky go?"

"Left to check on gyre." Argh replied.

"What's a gyre?" I asked.

"Transportation." He said. It didn't really answer my question but it was close enough. The gyre must be some sort of Troll vehicle. I yawned again without meaning to. "Still tired?"

I nodded my head and sighed. "Yeah, just been super busy lately and haven't gotten much sleep." I yawned once more. "I have a stupid math test coming up. I'm scared that if I don't pass I'll--" I cut myself off when I realized who I was talking to and what I was about to say.

"You'll... what?" He asked curiously, wondering why I stopped so suddenly.

I chuckled. "Sorry, sorta forgot that I live with Jim now..." I trailed off, staring sadly at the floor. "My parents used to... get really mad when I got bad grades. Guess I forget sometimes that I live with good people now and not..." I trailed off again.

Argh clearly saw how stressed, uncomfortable, and reluctant I was. So he decided to change the subject. "Like math?"

I looked up at him, snapping out of my small daze. "Do I like math?" I finally cracked a smile. "I hate math. It's the one subject I completely suck at. I'm good at all the other subjects. Like History, Chemistry, and Spanish class."

"You Spanish as well as Jim?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "Just thought if Jim liked it so much I might as well give it a try. Learning Spanish is actually a lot more fun than I thought it would have been." Then an idea came to mind. "You guys have your own language, right?" I asked.

"Trollish." Argh nodded his head.

"Maybe I could try learning that as well!" I grinned, my mood suddenly perking up. "Then I could talk to you guys in Trollish and confuse the others. It would be so much fun!" Argh chuckled, seemingly happy that I was ok now. I didn't feel all shitty like I did before. But... I was still very tired. I yawned again and groaned. "I hate being this tired."

Before Argh could say anything Blinky suddenly poked his head into the room. "The others have arrived. We should depart." He then disappeared without another word.

Argh looked to me, seeing me yawn for the fifteenth time today. "Climb on back? Carry you to others?"

My eyes widened a tad. "Um, well, I don't want to bother you--" Before I could finish my lame excuse Argh grabbed the back of my shirt and sat me onto his back. "Oh, alright then. Let's go." I said.

I could feel Argh vibrate slightly as he chuckled. Then he started walking to find the others.

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