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"You ready for your first day of school?" Jim asked. I didn't reply, just like always, I remained silent. We were both in the garage. Barbara used the money from her last paycheck to buy me my own bike. I didn't want her to spend money on me but she insisted. It was a plain black bike, nothing fancy.

Jim opened the garage door. We then walked our bikes down the driveway. Barbara's car was gone meaning she left for work. I haven't been here long but I noticed that she works a lot. She's a doctor at the Arcadia Oaks Memorial Hospital.

As the garage door closed Tobias rode his bike over to us. I found out not long ago that he lives right across the street. Jim then gave Toby the lunch he made for him. I already got mine in my backpack. As it turns out, Jim is an amazing cook.

We all started pedaling towards the school. As we rode I overheard Toby whispering very loudly. "Hey Jimbo, Blinky told Argh to tell me to tell you that he needs to see you after school today."

"You do realize that you suck at whispering, right?" I asked as I rolled my eyes and peddled my bike ahead of them. Jim had shown me where the school was yesterday so I already knew where to go.

"Woah, dude, she actually spoke to me." Toby said to Jim. I clearly heard him but pretended not to. I didn't really care what they were up to or what Toby had been whispering about earlier. As long as they stayed out of my way I didn't care at all. "So, as I was saying before, Blinky wants you at Troll Market as soon as the school day is over."

"Okay, Tobes, I'll be there. I just got a lot on my plate today." Jim replied. After that it went silent as we rode to school. Once we arrived at Arcadia Oaks High, Toby left to go to his first-hour class while Jim led me to the principles office where I met Principal Levit. I got my class schedule and locker combo.

Jim was going to be the one to show me around but the first-period bell was about to ring and he had a Spanish test that he couldn't miss. So the principal got another student to give me a tour. It was a girl named Claire Nuñez.

The tour was pretty simple, seeing as it's a small school. She showed me where my classes were and where the cafeteria was, even helped me open my locker cause I was having trouble with it. Once she finished showing me where everything was she handed me a flyer. "We need more actors for our school play Romeo and Juliet. You should give it a try." She smiled.

Before I could decline her offer the next period bell rang and she left to get to her next class. My next class was Algebra, taught by Miss Janeth. So I went to class. When class started she introduced me to the students. She then asked me to say something about myself but I didn't respond.

She assumed I was a shy girl and allowed me to sit down at my new seat. But really I just didn't want to say anything. My life isn't interesting and I'm not a very memorable person, so what's the point. It's not like I'm actually going to make friends here.

The school day passed by pretty quickly. At lunch, I sat outside by a large tree to eat the food Jim made for me. As I ate I pondered the thought of joining the school play. It didn't seem like such a bad idea. I did always want to read Romeo and Juliet but I never got the chance to. At least if I join the play I'll get to know the story as well.

At the end of the school day I had made my decision. I was going to give it a shot. I decided on auditioning for a simple part, Juliet's nurse. After the last period bell rang I went to look for Claire and I told her I wanted to try. She seemed really happy about it.

Then I waved goodbye before heading to my bike where Toby and Jim were waiting for me. "Hey, you okay heading home by yourself? Just tell mom I went over to Toby's." Jim asked. I nodded my head. "Sorry, but I can't tell you where I'm actually going. It's a lot to explain and--"

"I don't really care. Just go already." I said before hopping on my bike and riding back home.

Once there I told Barbara that Jim went to Toby's house. She sighed, "He keeps doing things without my permission. What should I do about this?" She asked but I was already heading upstairs so I didn't reply.

Once in my room, I looked up the lines for Romeo and Juliet so I could practice. I skimmed over the lines for the nurse before reenacting them. It would have been easier if I had someone to practice with but I didn't really have any friends and Jim was off doing who knows what.

I sighed to myself, now realizing that it was getting dark. I got ready for bed and went to sleep early so I could be up and at it when the sun rises.

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