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"Morning Jim." I greeted my brother as he came down the stairs. I was sat on the couch in the family room. The tv was playing Gun Robot but I wasn't actually watching it. I had my sketchbook in my lap and a pencil in my hand.

"Morning." Jim yawned as he headed toward the kitchen. He had dark circles under his eyes and he was unusually sluggish. I assumed he had another nightmare last night. I was starting to get really worried about him. "Is mom awake yet?" He asked.

"Haven't seen her, so I'm pretty sure she's still in bed." I replied before continuing my drawing.

Jim started making breakfast. After about ten minutes he came out and handed me a plate of eggs and bacon. "Hm. A basic breakfast. That's unusual." I said before closing my sketchbook and glancing up at Jim as I took the plate from him.

He shrugged. "Sometimes it's nice to have a basic breakfast." But I knew he was just doing this because he was tired. "What are you drawing?" He raised a brow at my sketchbook. I reopened it to the page I was on and showed it to him, he leaned down to get a better look at it.

It was a drawing of a wolf. But it was incredibly gory. Its skin and fur missing with its ribcage showing, blood dripping from its eyes and mouth. I don't remember when I started drawing gore, but I just love doing it. Though my parents never liked it.

"Woah..." Jim's eyes widened. I knew this would happen. Everyone reacts this way when they see my art. I'm just not good at anything. "It looks great." Wait... what? I gave Jim a confused look as he smiled. "I'm not really into gore that much but it looks so realistic. I didn't realize you were talented."

My eyes were starting to hurt from how long I had been staring at him in shock. My art has always been ridiculed and mocked. Then again... the only people who actually saw my art were my parents.

"Why didn't you tell me you liked art?" Jim asked as he stood up straight. "You could have joined the art class at school when we enrolled you."

"I... I guess I forgot..." I closed up my sketchbook and looked down at the floor. "I stopped drawing for a while after my parents ripped up my last sketchbook."

"Hey," Jim put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up at him. "You don't have to worry about them any longer. You're with us now." He smiled then removed his hand from my shoulder.

"Thanks. That means a lot to me." I smiled back.

Jim turned to leave but he suddenly stopped. "Oh, right, I'm going to Trollmarket today to talk with the council again. You wanna join me?" He asked.

"Sure, I don't really have anything better to do." I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. I didn't have any homework and I needed a distraction from my thoughts anyway.

Jim made his way upstairs to give mom her breakfast and to probably tell her that we were leaving for a while. I slid my sketchbook and pencil into my backpack before zipping it up. Then I started munching on my breakfast.

By the time Jim came back downstairs, I had already finished and put my plate in the sink to be cleaned later. I had heard Barbara raise her voice a little bit ago but I didn't bother bringing it up as Jim and I got ready to leave. I just wish we could tell her already, cause it's stressing both of them out and it's sad to watch.

We rode our bikes to the bridge, just like always. I brought my school backpack with me so I could continue my sketch. When we arrived, we entered Trollmarket and headed straight for the Heroes Forge. Jim left to talk with the council so I sat down on the floor and pulled out my sketchbook.

Before I knew it, it had already been half an hour. The next thing I knew, Draal was running into the room calling for the Trollhunter. I stood up from the ground right as Jim returned. "There's a human intruder!" Draal said. My eyes widened, as did Jims, then we both rushed out of the room. Draal following close behind.

On the way there, Jim took out his amulet and said those magic words. The armor appeared out of thin air. Then we spotted a crowd of trolls. One was holding a rope that was attached to a bag, hanging on a pole.

"Hey, stop!" Jim shouted, gaining everyone's attention. "Let him go! I'm the Trollhunter. I'll deal with it." Jim said as he walked over to the troll holding the rope. Argh followed behind Jim, acting as backup. The troll finally dropped the rope, letting the bag fall to the ground.

Draal joined them as they stepped closer to the moving bag. Jim pulled out his sword. From out of thin air, again. I reluctantly joined them as well. I stayed close to Argh, scared whoever was in the bag was going to attack or something.

Suddenly the top of the bag opened and out popped a human man. "Oh. Thank you, Jim." He smiled. We all jumped back in surprise.

"How did you get past Trollmarket's barrier and how do you know my name?" Jim asked defensively as he pointed his blade toward the human.

"Master Jim, it's me, Blinky."

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