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"Woah," I heard Toby say as we caught up with them. Nobody brought any attention to the fact that I was riding on Argh's back so I assumed they either didn't notice or didn't really care. "You've never taken us this far before."

"Because out here, Tobias, there is no protection," Blinky explained as we walked further. "Beyond the barriers of Trollmarket lie unforgiving realms, ripe with lawlessness." Then he came to a stop in front of a large entrance. "Aha! We're here." Blinky turned to face us. "Did everyone come prepared?"

"Yeah, I've got my flashlight, horngazel, amulet..." Jim said as he looked into his bag.

Claire opened up her bag and peeked inside. "I've got a first-aid kit, I've got matches--" She said before Toby cut in excitedly.

"And I got tacos! Extra spicy!" Toby held out a taco for everyone to see. Jim and Claire gave him weird looks. "What? I get hungry on a quest." He said before Argh suddenly groaned. "What's wrong, wingman?"

"Hate gyre." He answered. I was now curious. This gyre couldn't be that bad, right?

"What's a gyre?" Toby asked.

Blinky then told us to follow him. Jim was talking to Toby about the tacos as he opened up the doorway with the horngazel, I tuned them out and peeked my head over Arghs shoulder. "You okay big guy?" I asked, seeing as he was unusually tense.

"Fine." He replied, but he still didn't seem fine. Jim put the horngazel back into his bag before we all went down the stairs leading into the room. There was a blue light and suddenly the floor in the center of the room started turning over. Revealing a giant circular object that looked rather complicated and fancy.

The others gaped at it and I looked worriedly at Argh. He still looked rather uncomfortable. I just hoped it was because of the gyre and not because of the fact that he was still carrying me. I contemplated the idea of climbing off and walking on my own, just in case it was the latter.

"A gyre. Our kinds quickest form of transportation." Blinky explained as the three climbed up the ladder and onto the gyre. Soon enough Blinky followed, as did Argh, though very reluctant compared to everyone else.

Once on I finally decided to climb off of him. When I did I noticed Argh glance over at me. He still looked very uncomfortable, so I was right in assuming it was not because of me but because of the gyre. Blinky was blabbing on about something but I wasn't really listening. "Wait, Gatto isn't in Arcadia?" Jim asked, catching my attention.

Blinky chuckled. "Of course not." Then he started up the gyre. It whirred as the outside spun around us. I started feeling nervous. "He lives under what you humans call Argentine." My eyes widened.

"Argentina! That's a whole other continent, Blinky!" Claire shouted in disbelief. "How long is it going to take to get there?" She asked.

Argh seemed to just tense up more after that, and he slightly scooted closer to me. I gave everyone confused and frightened looks but no one really noticed.

"Less time than you'd think. Let's burn some tunnel!" Blinky slammed his hand down on the button.

Before I could even blink we were gone. The gyre rolled down the tunnels, too fast for me to see what was happening outside. It was all just blurs.

My back pressed up against the back of the gyre. Without realizing I had latched onto Arghs arm for dear life as everyone screamed. Well, everyone except Blinky, just stood there laughing like we were on some fun rollercoaster. At least rollercoasters had safety bars. This thing did not.

Finally, it stopped. We were only on it for five minutes, maybe less. Then again, I wasn't really paying attention since I was too busy screaming my head off. When it stopped though I was the first one to climb off. Racing down the steps and throwing up as soon as I felt the bile in my throat.

Apparently, Toby felt the exact same way since he decided to throw up as well. Claire gagged while Jim just kinda stumbled around for a bit, clearly feeling dizzy. "Hate gyre." Argh said to Blinky as he got off as well. Then I felt a hand on my back. I knew exactly who it was, considering his hands bigger than anyone else's here.

After I finished I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt then gave Argh a small smile. "I don't think I ever want to ride that thing again." I chuckled. He chuckled as well before we all started walking. Jim started up a conversation but I wasn't listening, just looking at our surroundings.

Sweat dripped down the side of my face. "Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" I asked, pulling at the collar of my shirt to try and cool off.

"We're... in a volcano." Claire said as we entered a new room. She was right, we were in a volcano. Probably an inactive one. At least I hope it's inactive. There were pools of lava everywhere, ramps and ladders that lead to platforms, all made entirely out of wood.

There were orange trolls with masks on and had spears. The masks almost looked like human welding masks. "Welcome to Ojos del Salado, the home of Gatto," Blinky announced before addressing one of the orange trolls in front of us. "Uh, you there, we would most graciously request an audience with Gatto." The Troll turned to us then pointed up toward the top of the wood platforms. "Thank you, kind friend."

Then we all started up the wood ramps and ladders. I noticed that halfway up, Toby was starting to fall back a bit. My legs were getting tired from all the climbing as well but I managed to push on. Once we got to the top, Toby was already out of breath while the rest of us were relatively fine.

"Uh, where's Gatto?" I asked after realizing there was no one else up here but us.

The others looked around in confusion as Toby groaned and called Gatto a butt-snack. Suddenly the floor shook a bit and there was a loud rumbling sound, almost like a small earthquake. "Who has awakened Gatto?" A deep voice echoed from somewhere near us, but I couldn't tell where exactly it came from because of the echo.

Jim pulled out his amulet, just in case. "Holy sheesh-kebob!" Claire exclaimed as she nervously glanced around.

"I am so sorry I called you a butt-snack." Toby said in a panic. Jim had the amulet clutched in his hand, held up into view.

"A human Trollhunter." The voice chuckled. I felt a breath on the back of my neck and I slowly turned around, along with Jim. "How interesting..." The voice said as we all finished turning around and we gaped at the giant Troll face in front of us. "How unique."

We are so gonna die...

Half-Sister // TrollhuntersWhere stories live. Discover now