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A couple of weeks passed by and it was the day of the play. Jim was nowhere to be seen. I had asked Claire if she had seen him but she just laughed and walked away. I was really confused but I didn't think much of it.

I went back to the dressing room to make sure my costume was complete. It was a bit uncomfortable but the school didn't have a big budget to get nice costumes. So we had to stick with these old ones.

Jim got the part of Romeo and his costume is apparently homemade. It's probably going to be the best one on stage. That is if he even makes it in time. I've been practicing the script for the play ever since I got the part. I memorized all my lines backward and forward. It wasn't that hard though because I don't actually have that many lines.

Claire entered the changing room. She was on the phone with someone so I moved away from her. I didn't want to eavesdrop on her conversation. Suddenly Miss Janeth knocked on the door. "Mr. Lake. Miss Nuñez. The curtain opens in an hour." Claire got off the phone when the teacher started trying to open the door but it was locked. "Are you two ready?"

Claire suddenly turned to me. "Quick, Anna, do your best Jim voice and argue with me." She whispered.

I gave her a confused look. "What?"

"Jim is late, doing something really important. I need you to help me." I looked away from her. I know I don't bug Jim about what he's doing but it doesn't mean I will help him with it. "Please, he's your brother." I looked to Claire in mild surprise.

This was the first time someone called Jim my brother. I know we're related but I was trying to stay away from words like that. But after hearing it from Claire I couldn't help but feel obligated to help him now.

I sighed then I glared at her. "Stop being such a drama queen." I said loudly in my best Jim voice.

Claire smiled. "Drama queen?" She put her hands on her hips, pretending to be angry. "You're the drama queen, mister!"

"Claire-bear, come on! Let's keep it crispy." I said.

"Say crispy one more time!"

"Oh! Save that fire for the stage, you two!" Miss Janet said from behind the door.

Claire sighed in relief as Miss Janet and Eli left. "Thanks for that. Jim will appreciate it."

"Yeah, whatever." I crossed my arms.

"So, you don't actually know where Jim is, do you?" Claire asked as she looked in the mirror and straightened up her dress.

"Nope. And I honestly don't care." I lied. At first, yeah, I didn't care. But he disappears so often. I'm starting to wonder what he does when I'm not around.

"Well, he's said before that he wants to tell you everything."

I looked to her in confusion. "Really?"

"Yeah," She turned to look at me. "It may not seem like it but ever since you crashed into their lives Jim has wanted nothing more than to get to know you. He wants to be close to his only sibling."

I looked down at the floor. "I've always been alone. I... Even if I did want to talk to him. What would I even say? Sorry about dropping in, I didn't realize my parents hated me enough to kick me out of my own home." I sighed.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Claire smiling at me sympathetically. "He'll understand. Trust me. He's been through a lot and I'm sure he wants you by his side." She removed her hand. "You need him, and he needs you." She said.

"Thanks, Claire. I guess you and Jim know each other pretty well huh?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess..." She giggled nervously.

I chuckled in amusement. "You like my brother don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah," She sighed. "He's just, so sweet and kind. He puts everyone else's needs before his own. And once you get to know him I'm sure you two will grow close." She turned around and looked back at the mirror so she could finish getting ready. "By the way, you called him your brother."

My eyes widened as I replayed my words in my head. I uncrossed my arms. "Huh... I did, didn't I?" I smiled softly to myself before turning and leaving the room so I could finish getting ready myself.

Some more time passed by and it was now five minutes until the first scene. Jim still hadn't arrived. I tried to ring him but it only went to voicemail. Luckily he still had some time since the first few scenes didn't include him.

The play started and everything was running smoothly. Up until it was time for Romeo to get on stage. Claire and I frantically looked for him around backstage but he still hadn't shown up. Miss Janeth looked about ready to pass out from panic

"I'm here!" Jim suddenly came running in, ready to go. His costume on and his hair all frazzled. Claire helped him straighten up then he went out onto the stage.

Once it was my turn I entered the stage. "Juliet!" I called out.

Claire entered from the other side. "How now, who calls?" She asked.

"Your mother." I said as Mary Wang entered from behind me. Mary, one of Claire's friends, was playing Lady Capulet, Juliet's mother. After I had finished my lines I left the stage and waited for my next part. It went like that up until the end scene.

I watched as Claire and Jim reenacted the most important scene in Romeo and Juliet. Juliet kissed Romeo then stabbed herself and she fell next to Romeo's dead body. Eli then came out and finished off the play. The curtains closed and everyone cheered.

Then we all entered the stage and bowed as the curtains rose again. Jim was stood next to me and he smiled my way. "You did great Anna."

"You too bro." I smiled. He stood there shocked for a moment before smiling back.

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