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"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Gatto, the giant troll face, asked. This guy must be huge if this is just his face! I thought to myself.

Jim stepped forward. "We've uh... sorry, we-we've come for... um..." He trailed off when one of the orange trolls started walking over with a wheelbarrow full of rocks.

Suddenly Gatto opened his giant mouth and ate the troll, along with the wheelbarrow of rocks. Jim jumped back in surprise. "Did he just eat a troll!?" Toby asked in disbelief. I rolled my eyes. No Tobias, the troll disappeared into thin air.

"You must excuse me. I never talk business without something to eat." Gatto said. "Go on."

"We need uh, we need the Birthstone." Jim managed to finally say.

Gatto laughed. "The Birthstone of Gunmar." He chuckled. "Very powerful. Why should I give it to you?"

"Because we are going to destroy him." Jim replied with newfound confidence.

Gatto laughed again. "Why do I care?" He asked. "Why should I give it to you?"

"He's negotiating, Master Jim." Blinky realized.

"What do you want for it?" Jim asked.

"Ooh. An answer to a little riddle. Answer it correctly, the Birthstone is yours. Answer it incorrectly, I eat you all." Gatto laughed.

"Eat? Did he just say eat?" Claire asked as she nervously glanced at Toby then me. Seriously? Do you both have hearing problems or something? I rolled my eyes again. The only reason I was being sarcastic and rude was that I was utterly terrified.

"Yes, humans." Gatto licked his lips with his giant tongue. Slightly grossing me out. "I hear they have a gamey taste." After that, Toby fell backward onto the floor from shock.

"Master Jim, we must not enter into this binding agreement," Blinky said. I was about ready to agree with him. "I'm beginning to catch on why so few trolls ever leave this domicile."

"We'll play," Jim said after thinking it over. Toby gasped in surprise as he started getting back up. "We need it to save Claire's brother and, besides, she's good at riddles." Jim said as he helped Toby get up.

"Not bet-our-lives good!" Claire argued.

"You're a straight-A student!" Jim said. Now is not the time to be complimenting your crush, Jim. I thought to myself as I glared at him.

"When do we go to riddles class?"

"Ah, I am savvy with words," Blinky spoke up then turned to the giant face. "Gatto, do your worst. Riddle away."

"What begins and has no end, and ends all that which begins?" Gatto asked. My eyes widened. I have never been good with riddles or puzzles.

Blinky blinked in confusion. "I have absolutely... no idea. Those words mean nothing. Indecipherable."

"Everyone, start thinking. We can do this!" Jim exclaimed.

Toby started spitting out random answers. Claire was quietly thinking it through. Blinky was doing the same as Claire while Argh was getting a headache. I was starting to get a headache as well, but I was pretty sure it was due to the heat and lack of water. I really should have brought my own supplies...

"Ten more seconds." Gatto said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"You didn't tell us we're on the clock!" Blinky exclaimed in annoyance.

Oh jeez. I'm just completely useless aren't I? How in the world are we supposed to do this? What were we thinking?

"Tick-tock, tick-tock. Five seconds." Gatto said.

What begins and has no end, and ends all that which begins?

"Three." Gatto started counting down.

A circle? No, that's not it.


A riddle? That doesn't even make sense!


Life? No, life does end at some point... wait... I know the answer!

"Time is up--"

I shot my hand up into the air right as Claire did the same. "Death!" We both called out in unison. We glanced at each other before I put my hand back down and let Claire explain.

"Death is the answer. It begins and has no end. And ends all things that begin. Death."

"What? No one has ever answered that before." Gatto said. Claire brought me into a hug. Then Jim joined in as well. We all shared one big group hug, relieved that we were safe. "And lived to tell about it."

We broke the group hug. My heart began thundering in my chest.

Suddenly, six different trolls surrounded us. Pointing their spears at us menacingly.

"You were never going to give it to us! You horde treasures only to lure those into your literal trap!" Blinky shouted in rage.

"Oh, come now. A mountain has to eat, you know." Gatto said before he opened his mouth. The orange trolls started shoving us closer.

Jim slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out the amulet.

"For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!"

- Hey readers! I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support, I really appreciate it. Also, one of you had a cool idea for the story but sadly I just realized that I can't use that idea because it will mess up the things I already have planned. But I'll think about making another Trollhunters story in the future that may include that idea. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I'll be staying up all night to work on more.

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